Author Topic: How many night feed for 7mth old?  (Read 1390 times)

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How many night feed for 7mth old?
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:33:58 am »
He usually wakes around 5:45-6:15am
E6:15 5oz
7:30 cereal
E 10:45 5oz
11:45 lunch
E3:15 5oz
E:6:00 6oz

Wakes around 10-10:30 for 6oz
Then again around 1:30 cried
Feed again at 3-3:45am 4oz

He finishes the bottle at 2nd NW but I would like to get rid of that feed.

It takes a lot of work for him to finish his bottle during the day.
We go in to a dark room with door closed since he get distracted easily.   Also, I am unable to give him a bottle outside because of this reason.

Is he ready for 1 night feed?
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Re: How many night feed for 7mth old?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 13:10:28 pm »
With his day feeds and the 10/10.30 feed (has it ever been a sleepy dream feed?) he is getting enough milk without the 3am ish feed. It's not a big feed so you could drop 1oz every 3 nights and just resettle. We dropped my DD's night feed like this when she was 8 months, she didn't have a dreamfeed, we just fed when she woke but we got rid of it and she did sleep better for it.

What flow teats do you have him on? Does he have any digestive discomfort like reflux going on?


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Re: How many night feed for 7mth old?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2013, 00:12:23 am »
I gave him DF when he was around 2mths but never took it.  Since then he always woke up btnw 10-11:30.  There were handful of night where he woke up around mid night for one feed.
So, no I don't give him DF since I dont' get a chance ???

I give him Playtex fastflow.  I don't think he has digestive issues since his 2 older sister had reflux and were medicated.  I don't see any symptoms.
He was born 10lbs and continues to be quite big so I thought he would be able to take more food during the day but no luck?

I was able to reduce down to 2oz then no 2nd feed for couple of nights but last night I had to feed him since he was really hungry and cried for too long.
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