She feeds every 2.5-3 hours taking 70-100ml (she was taking up to 150ml not so long ago) she then has a short activity and sleeps for 45min-1 hour. She usually feeds around 7.30am, 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 6.30 - she quite often binge feeds around 6.30 (taking 150-300ml!) and usually goes down around 8.30pm. Until recently she fed twice at night but this has recently dropped to once. Her intake for 24hours was 700-850ml, but this has also dropped recently to around 600-700ml. Her one overnight feed has been very small recently too - often just 50ml. She doesn't seem in any discomfort after the feed - she usually winds quite well, but does wriggle into some strange positions to be fed and moves her head around a lot. We did think she suffered from reflux previously but this seems to have eased off.
Thank you