We just spent 4 days away staying with family, dd had her own room and was sleeping in a Pack&Play. My SIL has a video monitor (we don't) so obviously I could see her after she went to bed. She went to bed at her usual time of 7:30, but whenever I checked the monitor she was wide awake until about 9:30 every night

When we are home I usually hear her talking to herself until 8ish and then all goes quiet until the morning and I always figure she's asleep! I don't actually check on her since we are in an apartment and her bedroom is off the living room, so unless she needs me I leave her to it so she's not disturbed by lights, TV, etc.
Having the video monitor was weird. If I hadn't seen her awake I would've thought she was asleep as she was quiet. She just lay there perfectly happy fiddling with her lovey and playing with her blanket. Now I'm wondering if she always does this and actually only gets around 10hrs sleep a night (I've always thought she was getting at least 11!), or if it just took her a while to wind down since there were cousins everywhere and she played pretty hard. I guess it's not a problem if she's getting less sleep because she is fine during the day and doesn't seem OT, but now I'm wondering whether to just leave it be, get a video monitor so I know what she's doing, or maybe tweak her routine so she's not just lying there for 2hrs? Her day is usually
WU 7am
Nap 1-3
BT 7:30, thought she was usually asleep by 8
I know she still has quite a long nap but she's always been HSN and I've only recently moved the nap from 12:30 and she was still willingly napping 2.5hrs. I'm inclined to just keep things the same since she's happy, but wwyd? Thanks for any thoughts!