It is a yucky rainy day here. DD is 23 months, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I also look after a 19mo. It's too wet to go outside and if I just had dd I would drive to an indoor play place or something, but I only have one car seat and there's not really anywhere like that that's walkable (plus we'd get wet!)
DD has plenty of toys here but I feel like we all get a little stir crazy if we stay in all day, so I'm thinking about sticking the girls in the tub to play for a while. Is this weird? I don't think I'd mind if I was the other mum, but on the other hand I wouldn't expect my dd to come back from someone else having had a bath when she doesn't need one! Should I just do it and not say anything, or ask her if she's ok with it? I'm just not sure about getting someone else's kid naked unnecessarily!