I am new to this and have LOTS of questions. But I'll try to curb my enthusiasm.
My son is 15 months old and has been fighting his afternoon nap sometimes rolling around awake for 1.25 hours before we finally go in there an get him out. We are trying to figure out our transition and this is where we are at currently.
E:7:30/7:45 (Breakfast)
E:11:15 (Lunch)
S:12-1:30 (he wakes up on his own)
E:2:30 (snack)
S: 4:15pm (putting him down hopping he'll cat nap but he likely won't)
E: 6:00 Dinner
S: 8:30/9pm sleep (BT)
If he doesn't take the afternoon catnap should I try putting him to bed earlier? (7pm?) I'm just worried that this means he is going to wake up super early the next morning.
Will his nap eventually get longer? with it being only 1.5 hours that's basically the length of one of his naps when he was taking 2 a day.
Lastly, what happens next? do I keep pushing back the nap so that it's around 1pm instead?
Any thoughts, ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated or other posts just to commiserate are welcome too!