Author Topic: bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?  (Read 4023 times)

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bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?
« on: August 08, 2013, 17:12:56 pm »
hey everyone
im new to this but looking for some advice - to make a long story short basically my little girl has just been diagnosed with silent reflux she will be 17 weeks on Monday - i had noticed issues around 6 weeks but i found our doctor less than helpful and told me it was in my imagination! GRR anyway she has basically been on bottle strike for the last two weeks i can only feed her asleep. if she sees the bottle while awake she screams blue murder she wont eat at all while awkae and the amount of milk she drinks while asleep has been lessening. i got 15oz into her yesterday.

has anyone over come bottle aversion?? can anyone give me some tips or advice??

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Re: bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 18:56:57 pm »
Hi there and welcome.

Is her reflux being treated? If so with what and how much and for how long now? It does sound like a bottle aversion from the pain, until her reflux is under control you will find it difficult to change how things are so keep feeding her any way you can.

Which formula is your DD on - have you tried a reflux formula or a thickener?

How often are you trying to feed her and which teat is she on now?

Sorry for all the questions! I have 2 refluxers so {{HUGS}} it's really hard, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Have a look here too, it's a link from the colic, reflux and crying board Reflux 101 - General reflux information


Offline lillysmummy

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Re: bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 20:43:16 pm »
Hi Laura,
Im Laura also :-)
shes on 0.8mls of Zantac 3 times a day & shes on enfamil O Lac (lactose free) formula,Ive noticed she isnt stiffening with pain off the bottle as much. shes so happy most of the time its just feeding. she no longer shows any signs of hunger shes gone from sleeping 10 hrs to sleeping 2-3 each night, if for example she wakes at 6am it could be midday or later before i can get her to eat (in her sleep) I was using tommee tippee size one but seemed to be too slow moved to size 2 and most of the milk was comming out the side of her mouth. over the last few weeks ive moved to NUK but no change she still screams.
How will i know if the medication is really working??

Offline lillysmummy

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Re: bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2013, 21:03:16 pm »
oh and shes been on zantac for about 10 days and formula also, i offer the bottle every 3-4 hrs but she doesnt want it at all. today for example she took 3oz at 2pm and didnt eat again 3oz until 9 despite having offered the bottle several times and poor lilly having several freak outs at the sight of it.

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Re: bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2013, 07:06:44 am »
How heavy is she? Zantac is really weight sensitive and most babies need to be on the max dose for weight it to be effective and it needs adjusting as they grow. It can take up to 2 weeks to see full effects and her insides need time to heal but in reality she probably needs more of the med.

Do you think the formula is making a difference? It's very rare for babies to be lactose intolerant, it's much more likely that reflux is caused by milk soy protein intolerance (MSPI) so that formula won't help that, you would need a hypo-allergenic formula. What is her poo like - do you see any mucous at all?

My two were just plain ordinary refluxers - it wasn't caused by intolerances so they did well on Enfamil AR (maybe AA in the US) which thickened in the stomach. If you stick with the low lactose it may be worth looking for a thickener, this can really make a difference to a refluxer.


Offline lillysmummy

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Re: bottle aversion caused by silent reflux?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2013, 06:53:40 am »
shes 13lbs 3oz. she has been 2 weeks on it now today. i do thinkthere is a difference with formula she doesnt gripe as much and her tummy seems much more settled but that could be the medicine i dont know!
My head is all over the place we had 2 days where she took bottle but her intake didnt increase and now we are back to hysterical screaming on sight of bottle. i dont know anymore im so upset at the thoughts of her in pain :-(