Can you give us a breakdown of your day? If she's refusing milk she is probably eating too many solids. You want her eating well but she should still be having a minimum of 600mls of milk a day.
Are you offering her milk first and then breakfast about an hour later? At 10 months the usual bottle routine is a wake-up bottle, a bottle just before the afternoon nap so about 2pm ish and then a bedtime bottle. Breakfast should come after the morning bottle, then lunch after the morning nap and then tea/dinner after the afternoon nap. I would expect each bottle to be at least 7oz at this age really.
Are you offering her a sippy of water with her meals? What type of cup does she have - if it's a non-spill one I would swap to a free flow one as the valved sippys are really hard to drink from. She doesn't need juice so just stick to water. What flow teat do you have on her bottles too - is it the fastest one you can get?