My daughter Sofia is 8 week old. She was borne very small(2.48kg) at full term (39w). She received formula for the first 2-3 days in the hospital until my milk came in, then only breast milk. In the first 4 weeks we would let her breastfeed until she dozed off and refused the breast then we gave her my breast milk by bottle which she took. She gained 1.1kg. At this point because she was bigger and it was quite difficult to breastfeed then express and give by bottle I tried to feed her just by breast. At that point I realized that I am choking her during feedings. But not at the beginning of the feed but during the feed, when she gets to the milk that is made on the spot. She first drinks the milk that has accumulated in the breast then after I feel the tingle in my breasts she starts to fuss, she chokes, gets angry, latches off then on for several times, every time more aggressively. We tried new positions (tummy-on-tummy) and it worked better for a while. I think we had a growth spurt at 6/7weeks. For a while she was sleepier and would feed for ~1h on and off. But for a couple of days now she feeds very little (5/8/10/15 minutes). The first day I insisted and she resisted and got angry. Yesterday I let her be with how much she wanted to eat, but at the 4 o'clock feed she fed aggressively until she got choked and got angry and wouldn't breastfeed anymore but then still showed signs hunger (moving head to the side, tongue out, hand to the mouth) so I gave her the bottle and drank 70ml more than she just got tired and started crying which lasted for ~1-1.5h on and off. This evening-crying happens every day for ~a month or so and I first attributed it to gas or colic and then to being tired or overstimulated and kept trying everyday to fix these things by burping her more, massaging her belly, byciclying her legs, less stimulation around her but based on yesterday I think she gets tired from just feeding. The last 2 nights I managed to give her the dream feed by breast - and she did not choke just show discomfort. Nor she would always choke at the 4AM feed. Should I reintroduce the system we had in the first 4 weeks to give her by breast then by bottle just to keep her calm? I am worried I am ruining her nervous system by getting her constantly mad every time I feed her.