My son is 3 in a month.
He sleeps from 7.30pm until 6.30am and still naps for a out an hour and half in the day.
I thought we were ready to drop the day nap around 2 months ago but gave up after a few days as he seemed to still need it.
Or the last mobth though he has totally changed. For some reason he just seems tired all the time. He wakes up looking tired, yawning, saying he is tired, whining, and his whole attitude has changed he is just so grumpy. He even says hos legs are tired. He naps usually about 12.30-2 but over the past few weeks he sometimes has been asking to go to bed around 11/11.30.
After his nap give him an hour and he is tired again. Wants to sit down, lay on the settee. By 5.30 he is so grumpy and tired and totally ready for bed at 7.
He eats pretty good, a little picky but we vary what he eats and gets plenty of fruit, veg being peas and carrots.
Has anyone else experienced this with there lo? Im trying to avoid taking him to the docs as i kbow they will want blood which im scared to put him through if i dont need to.
Any help or advice would be great!