But if it is the reflux causing the issues, would changing to hypoallergenic formula help that without meds? Haven't dealt with reflux here though...knock on wood!
If a milk protein intolerance is causing the reflux then a hypoallergenic formula could be enough to solve the reflux.
I would say though that she is still very teeny tiny and a lot of her symptoms could be caused by adjusting to the world. Don't forget her system is designed for human breastmilk not cow's based milk so she could just be adjusting to that. If you keep swapping bottles and formulas you won't really know what is working and/or causing the problems.
I would try the gerber bottles again with the next size nipple - creating a vacum is usually an indication that the flow is to slow, they are having to suck too hard to get the milk out. Do they do a vari-flow teat? They often work better because the baby controls the flow by how hard they suck.
My two were/are both refluxers but not caused by intollerances and they did fairly well on the easy digest formula in the early days, I would continue with that rather than swap to soy and use gas drops for a while to see if they help.