Alrighty... we're about two weeks into our new schedule, but we've yet to actually put "the plan" (capping 1st nap at 1hr to allow for good 2nd nap) into action because LO has been short-napping (30-45 minutes) since the day before I decided what to do!
So here's what our day looks like:
DWT, 7am (though often awake and fussy/mantra crying between 6:30/6:45)
E - 7:15 Nurse, 8:15 Solids
A - Take DD1 to school @8:40, Stroller Ride, Playtime = 3hr
S - 9:45/10 to 10:30/10:45 (Down at 9:45am when UBER fussy/cranky and on days when awake earlier)
E - 11 Nurse, 12 Solids
A - Playtime, Errands, Top-up feed before 2nd nap (though thinking about taking this away to go strict 4hr routine) = 3/3:15hr
S - 2 to 3/3:20
Pick up DD1 at 3:45
E - 5 Nurse, 5:30/6 Solids
A - Playtime, bathtime, Nurse before bed = 3:30hr
S - Asleep at 7pm (usually)
MOTN = 5am, Nurse
Any suggestions to maximize our naps? LO is 9.5MO and hasn't been a great napper, ever, though for a short stretch of about 2-3 weeks a month or so ago, she was taking two 1.5hr naps every day. Now I'm getting a rash of short naps and am not really sure how/where to start to get things back at a healthier level.
She goes down for naps without a peep, but wakes cranky, rubbing eyes and groggy. Once downstairs and at play she's generally fine though. In the mornings, she makes it about 2 hours before she starts getting "ugly" (fussy/cranky) and in the afternoon I don't notice much fuss at all because her WT is short enough I don't think it ever really gets to that point.