My DS is currently 28 weeks. Thank you for the advice and kind words.
As I mentioned before, things have been extremely hectic and I am desperate to get my EASY back on track now. I am in a viscous OT/UT loop and its causing early WU and completely ruined my judgement on appropriate A time. I am not sure which forum to post on as I am having issues with EASY, all naps, and early wake ups at the moment. Needless to say, things have gone completely haywire and I will do anything to get things back on track. As I mentioed previously, I havent been writing things down very well and just trying to get through the days without too many tears (from both of us!). I have some previous days writing and I will post what I have below to give you an idea and I'll also post todays day so far:
Woke 6:00 (let play in crib in hopes he would fall back to sleep)
E 7:00
A 3 h 10 m
S 9:10- 9:50 (calmed at 10:25 and back to sleep until 10:54) 70 mins total
E 11:10
A 2 hrs
S 1:00-1:31 (cried/fussed until I got him up at 2:10)
E 2:30
S 3:35- 4:45
E 6:15
BT 7:30
Today so far:
Woke 7:00
E 7:30
A 2 hr 30 m
S 9:30-10:00 (woke crying...keep trying to help him go back to sleep at the moment....way OT)
I'll post rest of day later tonight.
Things to note:
He used to sleep 2 hour naps
We started solids at 5 months (do during A time)
Very spirited so its hard to help him when hes OT
Still do a DF
Used to wake up between 7-8 am so these 6:00am wake ups are considered early WU to us...
Tried to begin the 3-2 transition but with these short naps- every day is different!
Please help...I'll do absolutely anything. I am worried we are on a bad path and it's been this way for over 2 weeks now.