Author Topic: 3-2 switch messing up A time??  (Read 5918 times)

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Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #60 on: September 05, 2013, 23:39:25 pm »

Woke at 5:30 am- played in crib until 6:45
E 7:00
A 3 hours
S 8:27- 9:40 (woke happy so I'm guessing he was UT)

E 10:45
A 2 hr 55 min
S 12:35- 1:10 (played/light fuss until 1:55, back to sleep until 2:23)
[was he OT or UT there?]

E 2:30
A 2 hr 30 min ish
S 4:55 (fussed until he fell asleep at 5:20) woke him at 5:40

E 7:15
A about 2 hours
S 7:25 (played in crib until fell asleep at 7:35)

I'm going to try 3 hr 10-15 min first A time tomorrow. When I tried that time before, he was way OT but hopefully we are past the OT cycle and this new A time will work!! Fingers crossed for a normal wake time tomorrow and better naps :)

Do you ladies see anywhere else I can improve?

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2013, 00:11:13 am »
What time was he asleep at bedtime the night before?  Fingers crossed you get a good wakeup in the morning.  If it were me I would also push that first A 10-15min and keep the A between naps the same for a few days.  We are in the 3-2 as well and it seems that dd2 doesnt like "even" A times, she actually likes increasing A through the day, so you may never get all his A times the same.  As long as you push the right A times you should be able to get decent naps, and his first nap is definitely the one that can use a bit more A time before :)

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2013, 00:44:43 am »
Thank you for the advice!

To answer your question, he went to bed at 7:30 the night before- he may have been overtired. Yesterday was rough with 3 naps all under 30 minutes, ugh!

Since today was a little better, I'm hoping we can get back on track now. If I get a good nap off 3.15 A time, then what are you suggesting I do for the second A time? Keep it 3.15 regardless of nap length for a few days? Or keep it at the current 3 hr A time?

I sure hope your 3-2 transition goes much smoother than ours :)

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2013, 02:30:24 am »
I always increase only one A time at a time :)

I don't think any of these nap transitions go smoothly, lol.  DD has just started refusing the cn so I've had to increase her A times or she's massively ot and in bed super early.  She kinda just forces my hand, and I have to deal with it  :(  Really, the only way to get through these transitions relatively stress free is to be prepared and keep moving forward with A times...I plan on joining the 2-1 support thread as soon as I get her 2 nap schedule figured out, that way I have a constant reminder as to what is coming up next  :P

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2013, 12:51:53 pm »
That's a brilliant idea! I should do the same! I let this transition sneak up on me and didn't realize I needed to chane things until I got into the terrible UT/OT loop with EW on top!

This morning he woke at 4:00...ugh. He fell back to sleep off and on until 6:20 ish. So I guess I'd call that an improvement...

I'm really hoping this new A time of 3.15 gives him a good nap today so I won't loose all hope!! We haven't had a good, stable A time in quite awhile. It's varied between 2.30 to 3.20 and nothing has been working really. But I'm gonna stay positive!

DS is already acting super tired and fussing to go to bed and we still have a little less than an hour to go...I see an OT nap in our future I think...bleh!

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2013, 13:09:39 pm »
Sounds like a really good plan.

Just remember you do need to stick to the same A time for a few days at least if you're going to see any improvement. Hugs x
~ Naomi ~

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2013, 13:16:46 pm »
I sure will, thanks Naomi!

Should I continue to play the CN by ear, depending on nap lengths? I am really hating these EW and it seems he's getting used to this pattern we are creating...

Will all that sort itself out once A times get adjusted and naps lengthen a bit?

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2013, 13:49:41 pm »
Hugs hun, we're also going through the 3-2 nap transition and i agree to increase one A at a time. Our am A is done and i am working on 2nd A time now. Cn is a hit or miss...yesterday we had 3 short naps and this morning 5.30 wake up. Today she was goofing around too much when i put her down for 3rd nap so it was 5.30 pm bedtime. Who knows what tmrw will bring lol! The EW are part of it unfortunately and i remember the same happened when dd1+2 were going through it. It will be nice once its over less nap to worry about :-)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 13:54:04 pm by Layla »

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Offline TB9

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2013, 13:56:01 pm »
He had almost an 11hr night lastnight which technically isnt an ew :)  Your goal should definitely be working on extending those A times so that he gets 2 good naps and doesnt need the cn. At this point cn is just going to take sleep away from his other naps and his night.  I think your best hope of getting a better wakeup time is to ride out the transition with as few cns as possible, then shift his day once he's onto 2 naps if you arent keen on a 6:30am start.  Once the cn is completely gone you may find his nights lengthen back to 12hrs :)

I hate feeling like I am pushing dd when she is cranky by the end of the day, but through these transitions I am the one who knows best and I HAVE to push her to help her condesnse her sleep better...I just try to keep that in mind when I have a cranky pants on my hands at 6pm ;)

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #69 on: September 06, 2013, 15:09:24 pm »
You wonderful women always make me feel better and are so encouraging! I cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to support other Moms. It's truly amazing what you do.

DS had a 1.15 nap just now! So we are getting there, hooray!! Since he was still a tad UT I may do 3.15 A time tomorrow instead of 3.10?? It's hard to know exactly when they wake or actually fall asleep so I will only tweak it by a couple minutes if I can. I'm just so happy because now I feel more confident thy we are on the right track.

You ladies gave great advice regarding the CN and night sleep. I will continue to ride it out and push for EBT and no CN any chance I get! I've been carrying him around in my Baby Bjorn when it gets close to nap or bedtime because he is distracted enough and won't get OS ;)

I'm going to do 3 hours A time before next nap and hope for another decent nap so we can try EBT!

Once we get this all sorted out, ill need your help on getting our wake time back to 7:00 am- especially before the time changes an hour BACKWARDS in a couple months, ugh!

Huge hugs to you all for your kindness and support and I'm hoping your transitions go okay :) I can't wait to only have 2 naps to deal with!!!

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #70 on: September 06, 2013, 18:54:07 pm »
That 3 hours A time between naps (second A time of the day) hasn't worked the past 2 days. Yesterday he woke after 35 minutes and played/fussed for 40 minutes until he fell back to sleep. He is doing the exact same today. Woke after 35 minutes and he's currently working on trying to fall back to sleep. He's lightly fussing but not crying and he's trying to put himself back to sleep. Is this a sign of UT or OT?? Just not sure if I should also push the second A time to 3.15 as well if you all think its because he's UT.

I know you advise not to push both A times at once but if he's UT for both naps, it seems like I should try it out and see. If this behavior seems to be due to OT then ill stick with the current 3 hours for another few days.


Also, I'm not going to do the CN today! A little worried all this improvement is going to be destroyed because we are going to stay with my Dad for 2 nights...I'm worried about OS and a regression and I'm planning in having to start over come Monday ;)

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #71 on: September 06, 2013, 22:52:49 pm »
Woke 4:00am off and on sleeping until he woke for good at 6:25am
E 7:10
A 3 hr 10 min
S 9:35-10:50 (1.15)

E 11:15
A a bit under 3 hrs
S 1:45-2:20 (light fussing until back to sleep 40 mins later- woke again at 3:40)

E 3:45
A 3 hr 15 ish
E and BT 7:00

Today has been the best day we've had in a long time so I'm pleased! Plus we got to skip the CN :)
I know the first nap was a tad UT so ill try maybe another 5 mins A time tomorrow morning then just stick to that for a few days. My biggest question (as I mentioned in my last post) is, was that second nap UT or OT with that 40 minute waking in the middle??

Other than that, I'm hopeful and so thankful for all of your support through this! I know we have a ways to go still to get through this 3-2 transition but at least I feel like I have it under control now thanks to you all :)

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2013, 00:21:27 am »
Yay!  Honestly, I have no idea what that wakeup could mean  :-\  dd2 does it sometimes too, and I still havent figured it out!

Offline Mandy.kamal

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Re: 3-2 switch messing up A time??
« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2013, 13:29:52 pm »
At least they get themselves back to sleep :)
Always a silver lining!!