Author Topic: How can I tell if lo is becoming a more efficient feeder or needs routine change  (Read 1419 times)

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Offline Lilo's mom

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My lo eats every 3 hours, and I supplement with formula every other feeding. I do ths because I had little milk in the beginning and he was struggling to gain weight as a newborn, but now he is just fine. His average feeding is of about 20 min at each breast, aveage of 40 min..
He is 12 wo now and since the beginning of the week he seems morr dstracted while on the breast. Bobs on and off, sucks a little, pulls the nipple backwards, lets it go, stretches and then sometimes seeks for the nipple again. Sometimes he doesnt, but if I offer it again he takes it, sometimes repeats the whole process but in other times he gets focusef again to drink for a few minutes more. Usually he eats very concentrated for the first few minutes at each breast, this behaviour starts at about 7 - 8 min of eating. He is also finishing before, with an average of 30 to 33 min. He stops drinking either when he falls asleep ( most of the times ) or he simply stops, closes his mouth and stays quiet. If he stops like that, still awake, he wont accept the supplement. If he falls asleep, he might drink the complement when I offer. (I always offer the bottle after he finished both breasts.
My pediatrician said that he would at some point become a more efficient feeder, drinking the same amount in less time. I am in doubt these days if this is what is happening or mabe I need to space more the feedings, aiming on feeding every 4 hours?  How can I tell?
Even drinking for less time, last night he managed to make a 7,5 hr interval between feedings. He woke up, ate for 28 min and slept again, and woke up alone 3,5 h after. He then drank for 26 more minutes. After the second morning feed (28 min ), he woke up hungry at 2,5 h.
What do you think?
Thank you!

Offline Lilo's mom

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Forgot to ask - when is the time to transition fom 3 h to 4h?

Offline Lilo's mom

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One thing I forgot to mention  is he seems to be tired afte 1:20 to 1:30 A time.

Offline Fiver

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The behaviour you describe in your initial posts sounds like a growth spurt combined with better efficiency. It also sounds to me like he's getting sufficient milk from you now if he's refusing the supplemental formula and is satisfied at the end of a BF.
*** Amanda ***

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Those feeds still sound really quite long so I'm sure he is efficient enough to have a full feed in that time. Mine were down to 8 and 6 mins respectively by this age.

How do you feel about stopping the bottle top ups and just seeing how he does on the 3hrly BFs?

Tracy recommended keeping feeds at least every 3hrs until 4mo and then moving to 4hrs but in reality many EBF LOs don't make it to 4hrly intervals until they start solids around 6mo. Mine did both make it to 4hrs by about 4.5mo though so it depends on the baby.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Lilo's mom

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Thank you both for your replies. I know it is still a long time, and it is brcause he sucks a few times, swallows and then stops to rest. Ali, did your babies suck during the whole 8 min or did they stop to rest in between swallows?
I would LOVE to stop the formula (i am so glad because he definitely seems to prefer the breast ;D), but I am so afraid that he might still be hungry sometimes... Why would he get the bottle if he is not hungry? I know the bttle is much easier but if that were the reason, wouldnt he accept it everytime I offer?
Anyway, I am thinking about not offering the bottle a day or two and see if he looks hungry.
Thanks again, very helpful responses!

Offline *Ali*

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I'm sure if you gave it a few days your supply would catch up with the demand in absence of the bottle. You would have to give it a few days though as your body will need time to respond to the extra demand to produce more.

BF babies often take a few extra ounces but not always. Sometimes they may be more stuffed than others perhaps?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Fiver

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I can always squeeze in a bit of cake ;) (obviously not saying formula is as tasty as cake, but you get my drift!)

If he does still look like he's seeking more milk, you could always put him back on the first side you offered after he's finished the second.
*** Amanda ***

Offline Lilo's mom

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Than you both for your replies!! He is gradually refusing the bottle! He used to take it 3 times, yesterday he only took once and 20 ml of the second time  ;)
But the day before, when he took 2 and 1/2 bottles, he was fed only six times and woke up 6 hours after the last feed. Yesterday he was fed 7 times and drank less of the bottle, and also woke up 6 hours after the last feed. Do you think he is "setting" his " internal clock" for a 6 hour stretch or that the extra formula he got the day before gave him as many calories as the 7 feedings? (Obs. He didnt eat 7 times because he appeared hungry, I squeezed one more cluster feeding yesterday).
Thank you
Mariana :)

Offline Fiver

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I think it's impossible to be sure, but I'd be grateful for that long stretch :)
*** Amanda ***

Offline *Ali*

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It's so hard to tell why he did it but it sounds like he is doing well.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Lilo's mom

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He is, isnt he? I am so unexperienced and I get really anxious by listenng to histories of 3 mo babies that sleep through the night...i guess he is on track then. Thanks!!