If the routine is working for you all that's great and stick with it! It's just useful to know where you could tweak or alter things if it stops working so well! You know him best so go with what you think works.

When my two were tiny the last feed was after the bath routine so I did put them straight to bed after it. Some people do a feed then bath but I found it worked better the other way. My DD used to wake for the day around 6.30 and we put her down to sleep at 7pm, we bathed both kids together so she had to fit in with DS's routine, we started bath at 6pm then last feed and into cot by 7pm.
With the dreamfeed he won't be waking more because you do it when they are asleep - you don't wait for them to wake. If the last feed is 6.30 then I would do it at 10pm (the DF is best between 10 and 11, any later and it hinders more than helps, any earlier and you don't get the benefit from it), just pick him up out of the cot gently and put the teat in his mouth and he should automatically start sucking. Because it's a relaxed feed you don't need to burp, you just lay him back down and he should stay sleeping for the next 3 hours at least.
At his age only having 2 feeds after bedtime is fab, some babies are having a DF and then 2 feeds before wakeup.