Great advice from Violet's mom.
We are trying not to pick her up at all but give her the odd cuddle if really upset and put down straight away afterwards. Does this then count as PUPD?
Yes, the idea with PUPD is that you try to sooth in the cot with ssh pat but that you pick up if need but return her to the cot once calm (at this age, it changes slightly as they get older). It's fine to pick her up a this age. Have you had a look at the link below? It describes how to do PUPD at different ages.
How to PU/PD (inc age adaptations)She resists lying on her side for patting although this is the only way it works for her and often tries to roll onto her back. Any tricks to stop her doing this or make her feel more comfortable? After all she has been on her back since birth so asking a lot to change sleeping positions.
We did ssh pat on his side and then rolled him onto his back when calm and continued ssh patting. I can remember the back ache just thinking about it!
When do I start to wean shush pat so it doesn't become a prop itself? At the moment she needs a lot of intervention to calm down and fall asleep but it does work if we're persistent. However, it feels like she still needs us a lot and I'm wondering when to stop doing so much
I wouldn't think of it in terms of weaning so to speak. I would approach it from the point of view that each time you settle her you are doing the least you can to assist. So at the moment that may be ssh patting til asleep but when you feel that is working you can try to ssh pat until calm and then just leave your hand there and continuing to ssh her or if you are lucky she may be happy for you to remove your hand altogether and stop the sshing. It really depends on the baby how quickly they will let you progress but if you keep in mind 'assist as little as possible' that should guide you well. That is the approach I took anyway. The link below may help, it details why shh pat and PUPD aren't considered 'props'.
Why are Shush Pat and PU/PD not props? Currently we're using shush pat after the bedtime feed but in the night I am still bfeeding her (twice max) and the other times trying to shush. Does this sound ok for night feeds at this age or should we try shush patting for one of these too?
Like Violet's Mom said 2 feeds is totally normal at this point. At this age I was feeding at any wake up after the duration he could go between feeds in the day. So for example if she is going 4hrs between feeds in the day I would feed at any wake up that was 4 hrs after the last feed. The other wake ups I would settle with a combination of ssh pat and PUPD if required.
In relation to your routine 40/45min naps are typically undertired naps (so they weren't tired enough to do a long restorative nap of 1.5hrs+) so I definately think increasing her awake times is the way to go. However, like you have mentioned short naps can be developmental at this age. It's worth working on her routine though as sleep training is often harder and takes longer if little one is overtired or undertired.
The only other thought I had is whether she will let you accidental parent one of the naps to get a good long restorative one just to prevent her getting over tired? So will she do a long nap out in the buggy? in a sling? in a rocker? At this age you are aiming for 2 long naps (1.5hr+) and a cat nap late afternoon (45mins ish) which is the 'average' day time sleep needs for a 4 month old.
Hope this helps.