Just it, really. DS is 3 y 8 mo, and has dropped the nap completely since 1.5 mo. He has always been on the short side for nights, even if he sttn almost always and was a very good napper until 3 yo. So, his nights now are averaging 11-11.30 h, occasionally less, occasionally more. It seems more or less ok with this sleep, a little emotional in the middle of the day, but not really ot (apart when he sleeps less than 11 h). It is me, that I am constantly anxious about his sleep. I am always counting the number of hours he sleeps, if i is enough or not. I find myself waking up in the morning (on holiday) and not able to relax worrying he wakes too early to get enough sleep. Is it normal? When is this sleep obsession going away? Have you had something similar?
I was reasoning last day that really, I can't make my child sleep, only thing I can do is offering him the possibility to sleep, a sleep routine and he, at this age, will find the right amount of sleep he needs. Like with the food, once I provide good alternatives, he will eat what he needs and I don't worry about what food I eat every single meal. I know it, but somehow I can't help, i can't be relaxed about sleep.