Author Topic: Not drinking much, losing weight, getting worried  (Read 4201 times)

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Re: Not drinking much, losing weight, getting worried
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2013, 19:05:35 pm »
Just wanted to say ((hugs)) my LO was exactly the same with reflux when she was little, it took me lots and lots of going back and forward to the doctors (with lots of support from the mummy's on here) to keep pestering the doctor as my mummy radar was on as well. She would not take her milk, cry and cry and not sleep. Only when we went to prescription milk and zantax did it settle down and what a difference i saw even in the first day. i remember the day i switched the milk she took a full bottle at every feed as it wasn't hurting he to take it, she must have been starving and just wolfed it all down.

Please please get the prescription for the milk, I know your DH is not on board and to be honest my DH kept telling me she's just crying, she's a baby that i wanted to fill her full of meds for nothing but i persisted and he soon changed his mind when he saw such a change in her after swapping formula.

I know it's not for me to say, but if i were you i would get the milk and try it, if it makes a difference then tell him you changed it. (but that's just me)

My beautiful spirited little angel

My angel baby girl

Offline Sam-n-Max's Mommy

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Re: Not drinking much, losing weight, getting worried
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2013, 10:49:49 am »
(((Hugs))), Robin.  The first few weeks with M were great and then around week 3 the reflux set in.  I think that that happens a lot.  I remember I kept saying that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop because he was such a peaceful baby.  And did it drop!

We switched to Similac Alimentum first and it seemed to help and then he had blood in his stool (again) so we went to Puramino (old Nutramigen AA) which we get an Rx for since it is so expensive and our insurance will pay for it.  TBH, for us, it didn't really help with his reflux, but it resolved the blood in his stool and he stopped straining all night long, sometimes all day long on and off to have a bowel movement. 

DS1 was on the highest dose of Zantac for his weight and that did the trick.  Once he got medicated, things totally turned around and he was a great sleeper.  This didn't happen until 3 months old, but I didn't know what we were dealing with until about then.  You are ahead of where I was with him.  With DS2, things have been different. He's on the amino acid based formula and Prilosec yet things still haven't been good.  I believe he needs a higher dose of the Prilosec, but his Ped GI is unwilling and says it's colic (we're almost at 6 months old).  In any case, I would advise you keep at it with your doctor until you are satisfied.  I keep pushing but am getting no where, but I've tried.  I *think* the reflux is starting to settle a bit.  (((HUgs))), it is so so hard. I have totally been there with the frustrating feeds, no sleep, and excessive crying.  I also have felt like I never know what it is that is making him cry - gas, reflux, etc.  I think it's the nature of the beast. 

Please try to get a little Y time somehow because this can drive you mad!
(formerly samsmommy3312010)