I haven't tried feeding as she hasn't had a feed after her Df for a long time and I'm thinking she's not hungry as she rarely cries for her morning milk and this is always her smallest feed of the day, which I sometimes struggle to get down her. Plus what also reinforces this is that yesterday we were out for the day and her bedtime feed ended up being later than usual - 7.30pm and she took 7oz followed by a Df at 12.30pm (was supposed to be 11.30 but dh fell asleep!) when she took 6oz. So given that she first woke at 3.45am this morning, assumed it wasn't because she was hungry.
Prior to this spate of awakenings, when she's woke in the past at various times in the early morning and I've tried to feed her (after a Df), she's lost interest after a couple of ozs.
I've reread bits of bw book and wondering if either:
A) it's habitual? Or
B) I'm rushing in too soon when she wakes (she stirs which she does throughout the night but then starts to cry out)?
I've also read somewhere that they come into light sleep around this time of the morning? If so how do I overcome this issue?
Thanks again for your advice x