I see people like that all the time and it does panic me, i would hate to be like that.
Ok so the plan is:
1) No more day bottle only morning (is she wants it) and BT
2) No more toddler meals, only feed her what we are eating
3) Always try to eat our meals together
4) If she doesn't eat her meal, dont give an alternative just carry on with the whatever i had planned to give her after it i.e fruit, yoghurt
Does that sound right?
I have a couple of questions.
1) If she doesn't eat lunch or dinner but seems hungry later, should i offer a small snack?
2) If she doesn't eat her meals but wakes during the night hungry should i give her a small bottle to see her through to breakfast?
3) Should i just stop the toddler meals altogether or offer occassionally until she is eating better?
4) Should we always sit at the table or is breakfast at the high chair with me ok?
Oh and i meant to ask, i always offer 2 proper hot meals a day, should i be doing this or does one not really need to be a proper hot meal?