Hi Laura,
(((Hugs))) it's always tough when things change, but you are doing the right thing stopping the swaddling now she can roll. Was she settling independently beforehand? Have you used shh pat in the past with her?
Like all new things it will take her some time to get used to sleeping without the swaddle, but she will get used to it eventually and with time will enjoy having the freedom to move and find her comfiest sleeping position. I know some mums here have tried tucking a light sheet firmly over LO and under the mattress at both edges to provide a bit of security - perhaps that might help?
I would try to avoid feeding to sleep, as much as it seems like that's the only option at times. Probably better to use shh pat and try to stay consistent as that will be much easier to wean.
Just wondering as well what her daytime routine is like at the moment? Any chance UT or OT could be making it harder for her to settle?