Hi there, need some help! Not sure if this issue is teeth, sleep regression or 1-0 transition! DS is 23 months and most definitely getting 2 yr molars in. However, his sleep has been off for about 2 months (seems to have started teething around that time also and the bottom two molars have just come through). He used to like about 11.25 hour days and this was consistent for several months even as naps evolved and changed. Now he ranges from 11 hrs to 12.5 on any given day.
Our typical day was:
Wake between 6 and 7
Nap 12:30-2:30 or 3 (sometimes less)
BT 7:30 asleep by 8
Over the last 3 months or so we moved the nap to 1 pm when we got EW's. If he takes a long nap he fights bed time so I've been experimenting with capping nap at first at 3:45, then 3:30 and 3:15 and now down to 3. Since I've done this he is usually asleep by 8 but sometimes by 8:30. The past few days he's been going down easy at naptime but not falling asleep till1:10 now and taking short naps but taking long to fall asleep at BT still.
Today was:
6:25 wake (10h10m night)
Nap 1:10-2:25
BT 6:50 asleep 7:40
Total A time 12 hrs
He's always needed less sleep. He rarely seems OT even with a 12.5-13 hr day as long as I've put him down by 1 for nap and 8 for BT and is always in a good mood regardless of sleep (even with one 25 min nap does fine!).
So not sure whether just to do set nap and BT (1 pm and 7:30 pm) until I get EW then move nap back and keep capping at 3 pm (or he may just keep taking short naps)? I recently went back to A times a bit instead of set times hoping I could get him back to 11 hour days but its not really working! Or any other suggestions?
Thx in advance!