Hi! This is my first post! :-)
My DS is 12 weeks old. He's a really calm, happy baby. He sleeps great except for one issue... he will only nap for more than 30-45 minutes in his bouncy (yes, with the vibration on...). If I put him in his crib, he will fall asleep easily but almost ALWAYS wakes after 30-45 minutes. I've tried putting him down earlier, I've tried putting him down later, I've tried letting him CIO (up to approx. 10-15 min.), I've tried rushing in to soothe him through the sleep transition. It just doesn't work. What DOES work, is the bouncy. He'll sleep great there. Is this so terrible? I'm so, so tired of fighting the crib. It's so emotionally exhausting to me. I creating a terrible sleep habit? Or will he grow out of this 45-minute intruder thing one day and easily transition to the crib? I'm guessing the vibration on the bouncy is what is helping him get through his sleep transition at 45 minutes...
Other potentially pertinent details...this is his schedule:
6:30 wake and eat (he's EBF)
7:30/8 nap
9:30 wake and eat
10:30/11 nap
12:30 wake and eat
1:30/2 nap
3:30 wake and eat
4:30/5 nap
6:30 wake and eat
7:30ish in bed (whenever he starts to get sleepy)
8:30 dreamfeed
I am trying to transition him to THIS schedule very soon:
6:30 wake and eat, activity
8ish nap
10 wake and eat, activity
11:30ish nap
1 wake and eat, activity
2:30ish nap
4 wake and eat, activity
6 eat and down to bed at 6:30
8:30 dreamfeed (will drop the dreamfeed soon)
Also want to note that he always goes to sleep easily. When I see signs of tiredness (or at 1.5 hours after he eats at the latest), I turn on the fan, turn down the light, swaddle him, rock him for a minute or two (sometimes with a paci), and then put him down awake (at naps and bedtime). He always goes right to sleep without fussing (no matter where I put him down). It's wonderful. If only he'd STAY asleep in the crib...
Can I just continue to let him nap in his bouncy (in his room) until he's older? Has anyone done this successfully?