His A times are all over the place, as are nap and sleep lengths. He usually nurses for just about 10 minutes, and rarely takes more than a pull or 2 off the 2nd breast when offered. While he generally sleeps well at night, when we do get a 5-7 hour stretch it will be 8pm-2am, so I've just begun trying to rouse him to dreamfeed earlier and maybe shift his longer sleep a little later. Thursday and Friday nights I tried to wake him at around 11pm. Last night I tried 10pm. He is so asleep that this doesn't happen any of the 3 nights. Here's our weekend so far... Friday night he slept
8pm-12, when he woke to feed and went back down easily and slept
12:30-3am - fed again, no A time given but he fussed and I ended up bouncing him to sleep
4:15-5am - I'm really tired so I pull him into bed with me to nurse side-lying. He naps again
5:30-6am. Now we're up for the day. To reset his EASY I nurse him again at 6:15 and he's up til
7:45-9:15 - a good nap (finally!). Nursed again at 9:30, and we have A time until
10:45-11:30. His pedi recommended stretching his feeds closer to 3 hours apart, so rather than feed him on waking we play a while and finally he feeds again at 12. We play a bit more, and though he yawns and we bounce quietly, swaddled, with soft lullaby music on, he doesn't sleep, but he gets very fussy and really wants to feed again so I nurse him again at 1. Short A time after this feed, mostly just carrying him in his wrap so he's upright after feeding but not very stimulated with toys and play since he's been up a while. I make lunch, he gets drowsy, and he finally naps again at
2-3pm. Again I try to space the feeds, and we have tummy time play until he feeds at 3:45. He's falling asleep at the breast and I rouse him. Once awake he's wide awake, and I think possibly OT. I give him another cluster feed at 5:45. He catnaps
7-7:30. Cluster feed by bottle again at 7:30, and we have our nighttime routine (bath, pj's, quiet story attempt (too tired and fussy), swaddle, and bounce softly with lullabies until he's out around
8:45-12:45am. Dreamfeed. Sleeps
1-4am. Dreamfeed. Sleeps
4-5am. He's wide awake and grunting like he's working out some gas, and I can tell he's on the verge of getting upset. He's wet, and seems he must have spit up too as his collar is soaked. We get up and have a change. He's up for the day, and has a long feed (both breasts) at 5:15. We have A time and he finally gets tired at 7, so I start to wind him down, swaddle and he falls asleep at
7:15-8am. He just woke up to potty.