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Think i give up! losing faith.......
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:06:20 am »
Just a moan cause i'm fed up with it!......nw's ew's every day

So DS has been teething, found a molar cut through the other day which goes some way to explaining night terror type nw's. Still medicating throughout the night.
Could be explained as 2-1 transition, sleep regression, teething stc stc but he's sttn like 10 times ever!
DS was a rubbish sleeper too but with AP, saw gradual improvement with GW and gro-clock but not fixed til 3yo. I just don't make sleepers?!

We've pushed him to a one nap day so schedule looks roughly like this

5:45-6am wu (drink and stay in bed til 6.30)
11.30-1.30 nap
7pm asleep (sometimes earlier but we logistically find it hard)

He seems OT a lot and has occasional day where we give a catnap but doesn't make any difference to nw's and ew's. NW's he's miserable and doesn't want to be held. EW's he's generally happy. Goes down for naps and bedtime happily. Still has a dummy, often plugged all night. Has a drink often during nw's but not learnt to manage it himself.

hugs or sleepy vibes appreciated  :(

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2013, 11:45:10 am »
I have been going through the same thing for so long and we finally had a breakthrough last night! I hope I am not jinxing it!!!  ;D

Honestly i think bt is too late and since you cant seem to manage an earlier bt then I would try to push the nap later. Try 12 for a few days but keep BT the same at 7. If things aren't much better I would push again. I have found that my lo does MUCH better with a longer morning and short A to BT, around 4hrs with a good nap. We were in the same boat as you and my lo would EW because he knew that the nap was too early for him and he needed that long A. Once I pushed the nap, we are currently at 1230, things are much much better. It is still early days for us too, so things might change but for now I think it's your best bet.

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2013, 15:26:47 pm »

I really hope you might be making a breakthrough! gives me hope too!

Unfortuntately we haven't noticed much difference with routine tweaks, even if stuck to for a good few days. However we have to persevere! I do think he's OT. I really need to try for EBT (i work and DH can't cook  ::) so EBT is tricky, plus i wouldn't see him much   :() as keeping him awake longer in the am is often really hard work

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2013, 15:28:42 pm »
I would push the nap later too.  That A to bed will be making lots of OT NWs, although of course molars are hell too, that a super long A from nap to BT.  Our nap was 12.30 at that age, with 7pm BT and the early mornings gradually moved later to 6.30am WU.

hugs and sleepy vibes coming your way too x

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2013, 18:22:01 pm »

It's really useful speaking to people who've btdt (and fixed it!)
It feels like we're just caught in that ot trap now where he's too tired from ew and nw's to get to 12:30pm for nap, will have to gradually push him towards it, but not too slowly!

Today I've just been exhausted and had a headache all day, not all to do with O's sleep but I knowsome decent sleep would help!

Offline Joy-filled

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2013, 18:48:14 pm »
How old is your LO?  Am I missing something as it sounds like you have a toddler but your tickers seem to say otherwise?  I'd be curious to know as I'm currently really struggling with my DS in the 2-1....well TBH I've been struggling with his sleep since day 1 but right now we're in the 2-1 messiness.

It is so difficult having a LO who won't sleep.  I fear my 2nd (if we are blessed with more kids) will be as poor a sleeper as my DS and I truly don't know if I could handle that  :-\.  Sending hugs your way but unfortunately I don't have any sleepy vibes for you as we're pretty short on those around here  ;).

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2013, 19:02:10 pm »
I second Maya, we were stuck in the awful EMW, too early nap and then
OT by BT it is such hard work keeping them going in the morning when they wake at 5am but we found pushing the nap out was the only way to go. We so nap at 1pm and he seems to be self regulating his sleep waking anywhere from 1hr45 - 2hr I don't let him sleep past 3pm with BT at 7 and he's sleeping 12hrs at long long last the 2-1 seemed to take forever. Hope things improve soon hugs!!

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 21:51:39 pm »
How old is your LO?  Am I missing something as it sounds like you have a toddler but your tickers seem to say otherwise?
Laura has a ticker showing count down to second birthday - had be stumped for a minute too :)

Laura it's hard to move a nap when they are so tired. I would really go for the EBT at least one day to see if you get a better night which could then allow for a 15 min push the next day, stick there are few days then push on another 15 mins (after another EBT if necessary).  I hear you about getting home from work later and needing to cook dinner, wanting to see DS - it isn't a routine for ever remember, EBT is just one or two days.  Can DH make a sandwich?  Could he get DS a sandwich and get him bathed before you come home maybe so you get cuddles at BT PD.  Or could you make some extra veg the night before and store it in the fridge for DH to serve up to DS for the EBT day?  I am a big believer in family meals but honestly on EBT just get him fed and into bed yk? (the rest of the family can eat later) I'm a SAHM but if my DS needs EBT the chances of a family meal are pretty low - I crack open the canned sweetcorn, the jarred sweet red peppers, chop a bit of cucumber, throw on a few cherry toms and a couple of cubes of cheese, slice of bread and butter and that's it.  I call it the EBT buffet ;)  Maybe DH can handle that, it's actually not a bad meal and doesn't involve anything more tricky than a can opener  (remind DH that's a mechanical tool which men are really good at operating ;) ).

And WRT to A to bed, mine often gets only 3.5hrs A to bed, sometimes less, it does suit some LOs.

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2013, 09:51:32 am »
How old is your LO?  Am I missing something as it sounds like you have a toddler but your tickers seem to say otherwise? Sending hugs your way but unfortunately I don't have any sleepy vibes for you as we're pretty short on those around here  ;).

DS2 is 16 months  :)

Thanks for the hugs, hope things soon improve for you too

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 09:52:31 am »
I second Maya, we were stuck in the awful EMW, too early nap and then
OT by BT it is such hard work keeping them going in the morning when they wake at 5am but we found pushing the nap out was the only way to go. We so nap at 1pm and he seems to be self regulating his sleep waking anywhere from 1hr45 - 2hr I don't let him sleep past 3pm with BT at 7 and he's sleeping 12hrs at long long last the 2-1 seemed to take forever. Hope things improve soon hugs!!

Thankyou, thats really useful and reassuring to read

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2013, 10:02:55 am »
Maybe DH can handle that, it's actually not a bad meal and doesn't involve anything more tricky than a can opener  (remind DH that's a mechanical tool which men are really good at operating ;) ).

And WRT to A to bed, mine often gets only 3.5hrs A to bed, sometimes less, it does suit some LOs.

LOL and Thanks creations! i have told him to give them fishfingers today (which he can manage) as i will be working late.

So my mum confessed to giving him 2 naps yesterday and the day before ::) she is his childminder. He actually only woke once last night and 6:15 WU today. I'm guessing that since he had built up some serious OT it actually helped? i'm not sure on the timings but apparently a long nap early morning and a CN at around 2pm. I didnt have time to talk to her about today (a bit mad too) no doubt she will give him 2 again but will get back to the 1 nap from tomorrow

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2013, 14:43:42 pm »
The extra nap probablly helped. We've been on 1 nap since 11/12 months and even at 2.5 mine will have the odd CN in the car in the morning (which puts me in a bit of a spin as I worry he won't go for his proper nap), then he still has his regular nap. If they are OT or teething or poorly an extra nap is just what they need.  Prob save you from needing to do an EBT too :)

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2013, 15:59:21 pm »
Hey hun. big hugs to you. we've been through that too. Just wondering. How early have you tried bedtime. When our lo was waking at 2.30 we did a 6 o clock bedtime and it seemed to help. I know its worrying putting them to bed that early but you have nothing to lose if things are so bad already. Imo that is.

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2013, 16:18:07 pm »
Thanks for clarifying, Laura.  Now that I see it it's pretty obvious.  Clearly I'm sleep deprived  :-[ :P.

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Re: Think i give up! losing faith.......
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2013, 21:23:09 pm »