Author Topic: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?  (Read 1320 times)

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Offline Hendix

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Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:26:32 am »
Please can someone advise if I'm too late to try easy?
My angel has had many problems feeding and we just discovered milk protein intol. we now have a much happier baby and I'm ready to try her on a routine.
My first problem is I've tried feeding her when she wakes. Having none of it. She will hold off for as long as it takes - hours easily - then when she gets tired will take feed and fall asleep.
She's still EBF and waking every other hour through the night.
I've managed to get her taking good naps thru day (2x1.5 hrs) but she is terrible at night!
am I too late?
P.s. we weaned at 5.5 months and she then popped 2 teeth but still not eating much solids yet.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2013, 15:52:35 pm »
Definitely not too late :). I'm guessing from what you said that she feeds to sleep at the moment though?  What do you do when she wakes so frequently at night? Do you feed each time?

If she is used to feeding to sleep then in order to establish an EAS routine you will need to work on breaking the association between feeding and sleep (we call it a prop) and teach her how to sleep independently.  I would bet that would significantly improve your night times too. There are a couple of ways to approach it depending on if you're more of a 'rip the bandaid off' kind of person (ie short term hard work but likely faster results) or prefer to do things more slowly.  Have a read of these to get an idea:

Gentle Removal Plan
Starting E.A.S.Y. at Four Months or Older

Let me know what you think and we can take things from there :)

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 08:56:56 am »
Thanks for responding and yes I feed every time she wakes as I worry she's hungry.
When I was on dairy she was in so much discomfort she would only take small feeds and very regularly.
When I removed dairy I moved her into own room/big cot and tried sh/pat (or more sh talking gently). She settled after an hour and then started to settled herself every time but she woldnt eat til tired and still I'd have to feed, shed get sleepy and put down whilst awake/drowsy and sleep herself.
New teeth and slipped bak into old habits.
I'm so confused I'm not sure what to tackle first. She's not a bad teether so I don't thnk she's in discomfort but last week been upset tum again and I wondered if that is what's wakening her or that she's hungry as doesn't eat much during day. Every night she goes down and wakes an hour later, I feed to sleep and this continues. For a while she was only waking twice thru night - 1am then 4.
Maybe I should be on sleeping forum...
Dilemma is do I start easy or go back to self soothing and get it fixed before trying to adapt feeding?
Sorry and thanks.

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2013, 09:50:43 am »
Your post is fine here :)

Dilemma is do I start easy or go back to self soothing and get it fixed before trying to adapt feeding?

I don't actually think this is a dilemma, you need to do both together or you won't be able to establish an EAS routine.  The main point of EASY is to provide a structure of eat, activity, sleep so LO knows what to expect and isn't dependent on you feeding to get to sleep.  It sounds like she has a pretty significant prop so I don't think things will improve for you until you're ready to tackle it. 

Could you post what your daytime looks like at the moment with eating, breastfeeding and sleeping times?  I'm very happy to help you work on a plan but having a better idea of how things are currently will help :)

Offline Hendix

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2013, 22:08:15 pm »
Hi there and thanks.
Days generally like this.
540 - wake
730 - E solid
8/830 - E bf to sleep
1030/11 - wake
12 - E solid
1/1.30 - E bf then S
3 - wake
4.30 E bf
5 - E solids
6 - E bf then S
7pm bf
10 bf
1 bf
4 bf
540 - wake

When I say solids it's still couple teaspoons of purée and little toast or rice cake as she lost appetite when teething so she doesn't take much yet but slowly getting better now teeth through.
Also her sleeps are always feeding til dozing I put her down, she stirs but falls over. She has settled herself sometimes (yesterday) but its more of a rarity since teething however I know she can do it its just been my fear that she's hungry or windy ???.
Any advice very welcome as I'm desperate for some sleep and for her too.

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 12:11:17 pm »
Routine wise it actually looks pretty good, if a little early for my liking!  But she is taking good naps despite feeding to sleep.  You could either try to tackle the nights but leave the days as they are for now, or you could go for everything all at once.  My feeling is that would be more consistent but it's really up to you. 

Did you have a look at the links above?  Does gradual removal sound like the way to go for you or are you feeling able to go all in and use PUPD? 

Offline Hendix

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2013, 08:02:01 am »
Hi Jessmum and thanks again for your message.
Yes it's pretty early for me too, I used to love my sleep, but getting used to it and the dark circles!
Sorry do you think best to tackle just nights for now or both?
I'm def ready to do this and I think a mixture of pu/pd with sh/pat as it worked well before I slipped back into feeding to sleep. I just have to be more firm thru night - it's too easy to just feed.
It's the feeding b4 sleep I'm not sure how I can approach this, should I try to get her feeding when wakes or ok to feed after A but ensure there's a teeny bit A before sleeping so she is awake when put to cot?
I keep wondering if this isn't a good thing eating so close to bedtime and should I try and change before she gets older?
I've been wanting to move her onto easy since 10 weeks when my sis said it worked for her but we then hit tummy probs so kept setting back.
Also now she's a bit older she rarely sleeps when out and about so this sets the daily routine off balance, does EASY help with this or should I post on sleep forum?
I'm having to really keep our activities to a minimum but would be good not to have to be home so baby can sleep evey day.
Thnx  again

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2013, 11:49:17 am »
Hi again,

It sounds like tackling days and nights together might be the way to go, at least that's what I get from your post?  Yes PUPD with shh/pat would work well, you may have to adapt the shh pat a little (e.g. just rest a hand on her back) as older LOs sometimes find it annoying, but you'll find the combination that works for her best :)

With feeding before sleep I would probably try to offer a feed just slightly earlier than you are doing now, then change her nappy afterwards before trying for a nap.  Gradually bring that feed earlier and earlier in her A time until it's at the start rather than the end.  You may however find if she feeds less at night she may be more hungry and willing to take a feed in the morning which sets you off on the right track.

At bedtime, I always fed my DD right before sleep in the early months.  I then started reading a story to her during the feed, and taking her off just for a few seconds at the end so there was a bit of story before she went into the cot.  Over time that became feed, then sit up and cuddle for story, so that when we dropped the BT feed she was used to story then bed.

With night feeds I would suggest you have a very clear plan that you can stick to, as with the best will in the world it is hard resisting the temptation to feed at 3am when you're exhausted.  You basically need to have it clear in your mind before you go to her whether this is a 'feed' or 'not feed' waking.  I think it would be hard on her to not feed at all overnight given she is used to being fed frequently.  So what I would suggest is note what time her bedtime feed is, then work out when 4h later would be.  Make a note of that time e.g. BT feed at 7pm, 4h later = 11pm.  And then if she wakes at night check the time.  If it is after 11pm, go ahead and feed then settle her back to bed (ok if she feeds to sleep on those occasions), and make a note of when 4h later will be.  If however she wakes and it is BEFORE 11pm you do not feed her, but you use shh pat/PUPD to resettle her all the way to sleep, even if it takes hours and even if it takes you past 11pm.  You can then feed at the next waking (as long is it is past 11pm!), and calculate when your next 4h mark will be.  Does that make sense?  The idea is that she learns that protesting for long enough doesn't get her a feed, but that she feeds when genuinely hungry.

Sleeping out and about is a different question......honestly I don't think there's a lot you can do about it if your LO isn't a car/buggy sleeper.  Mine never was, unless completely and utterly exhausted from about 4 months of age.  I plan my days around nap time and make sure we're home in time for sleeps.  It's hard in the early months as they need naps so often, but it gets easier as they can stay awake longer.  Of course there will be days when you just have to get out for whatever reason, and on those days you need to accept LO will probably get OT and early BT can help x

Offline Hendix

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2013, 14:56:03 pm »
That's fab!
Thanks so much, I really like the idea of book time gradually later as now I tend to read pre bath to wind her down but sure it's not hugely effective.
I also am so relieved at your suggestions thru night every 4 hours as I could foresee her resisting all night if not fed at all. In my head I was thinking just to go from feeding to nothing so this makes me feel more positive about and I feel more optimistic about it working.
She's such a minx she will hold off for food but I'll just try and put lights down for feed then remove or light on for reading see how we get on.
Great advice and makes lot of sense so I'm determined to make it work.
I plan days around nap time too but yes for now it means we get out for few hours over lunchtime only. No big hassle but I do think some people think I'm being too baby led.
Thanks a million, really appreciate.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Starting EASY at 7.5 months too late?
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2013, 12:54:45 pm »
Keep me posted, here with pompoms ready to cheer you on :)