Personally speaking if you've never swaddled before I wouldn't bother starting at 5 months. LO will be rolling soon and then you'll have to wean it for safety reasons. How was LO going to sleep before you started with EASY?
What routine are you aiming for at the moment? Just wondering if there could be OT or UT issues at play making it harder for LO to settle?
Thanks for replying. It's a long story but after months of dealing with reflux and milk intolerance, he has always cat napped and woken due to tummy ache.
We saw the paediatrician and we now have a hydrolysed milk and medicine for the reflux and sickness.
Following several weeks of adjustment, including weaning early . I struggled on my own to adopt a routine and managed to increase his naps (following a small feed) to 25 minutes.
I am now on day 4 of EASY and PU/PD, he has adapted well to the feeding change and is able to drink 3-4 oz following a nap and before bed. Our routine looks like this:
5-6am 4 oz feed and back into cot
E. 7am wake and breakfast
S. 9-11am (1 1/2 - 2 hour nap) he tends to wake after 25 minutes but using the shush pat soon sends him back off.
E11am 4 oz feed
E 12.30-1pm lunch
S 2pm-4pm (1 1/2 -2 hour nap)
E 2-4 oz feed
E dinner
S (25 min cat nap)
E (2oz feed)
A 7pm bath, story, 4 oz feed
11pm attempting dream feed but only managing 1-2oz
He is still waking several times a night but I am using the shush pat and Pu/PD to get him back to sleep
It's a hard journey ...... Any advice or encouragement is very welcome x