I think DS will answer the questions on the toybox book but is unlikely to do the 'tick the box' or 'circle the answer' type things, in a way that's fine as he will just go back and do it all again another day without the answers already being marked. I suspect he will struggle with parts, like 'which has most' questions but that's ok too, it gives us a chance to keep looking and talking about those things. I find it funny how he can count, one to one count, add, subtract (small numbers) could put together say a group of 10 objects and another group of 20 but still can't say which has most from 1, 3, 5. It'll be interesting to see how he finds the magazine.
I wouldn't be able to get DS to even draw an oval. He just will not draw on request. he did it once (just before his 2 yr dev check) when I badgered him to draw an O, a circle, the number zero, no, no, no, then "can you draw Earth?" oh yeah, and did it. That was the first circle he ever drew.