We go back and forward on our 5 a day - I'm confident that my children get enough fruit and veg in general, but I wouldn't necessarily think that they get 5 every day, iyswim. It's worth bearing in mind that a portion of fruit/veg is smaller for them than it is for us.
We did do a chart for a while, but it was a chart for all of us and we all had to tick our 5 off every day. There wasn't any reward involved, nor did we say that they couldn't have something if they hadn't had their 5 a day, but what it did was make them very aware of what they should be eating to stay healthy, and they will now quite often say "I haven't had my 5 today, I should have an apple" so I think it has worked.
If she is eating plenty of actual veg, though, I wouldn't stress too much about the fruit. Also, I did read recently that fruit juice only counts for one, no matter how much of it you drink, so I wouldn't rely on fruit juice.