Oh sweetie, you can always come here to vent x
Sometimes DH's don't say quite the right thing, but I'm sure it's because he cares about you and sees how upset you are. Men (sweeping statement coming!) often want to be fixers, and if they can't fix something they can feel like a failure. It most likely worries and upsets him to see you upset, and tired, and just wants you to be happy.
Honestly I didn't have time to look at your EASY, I have a poorly LO here so haven't really been able to be particularly helpful or focused. My first thought is that if he is screaming and fighting nap after a decent night and 1.5hr A time that he is UT. It's on the short side for A at 4 months. It was this sort of reactions I was getting from mine at around 3.5 months, UT and screaming blue murder that he didn't need a nap yet. If there are long NWs then yes he can be ready for a nap a bit earlier and OT will usually result, eventually, in crashing and getting a very long sleep. This is not ideal and isn't a routine, but at least they get some sleep. A decent A time for this age would be 1hr 45, so if you get a good night from him I'd try it for the first nap. If the nap is short reduce the next A time.
I know it's so so hard when your baby is crying and you want them to sleep, if at all possible try to separate yourself a little emotionally, yes hold him, yes tend to him, but try not to become all consumed by the sleep problems, sing out loud or in your head to distract yourself from the crying, or wear headphones and listen to something you like. You are not doing your baby any disservice by reducing your own stress level whilst you hold him, it isn't part of the 'deal' to feel the pain of every cry, just to be there for it. I also find now (wish I'd felt this way back then) that my job is to support my LO not to stop him crying, he is telling me something and whether I understand it or not he has the 'right' to have his say. Sometimes LOs just want to be heard, and not told to stop crying. Just like us really.
hugs, it won't always be like this, you will get through it xx