Hi there
I am. 1st time mum and my DS is 7 weeks old. He hasn't had a proper routine up until now and I would like to implement one in aid of getting him to sleep longer hours at night. Currently he sleeps on a enrage 3 hrs and wakes crying for a change and a feed.
Normally he would wake about 10 and then 1or 2 then again at 4 or 5 depending on hw long it takes to get him back to sleep etc.
Tonight, for the first time, I dream feed him at 12am after a feed at 10am. I would like this feed to be at 11pm though or even 10pm but depends on how long DS will sleep through. He ate Almost a full bottle feed of formula too during this dream feed!
Is there anyone out there with some advice on what my schedule should look like??
I just HAVE to try something- the past few nights have been a nightmare for sleep.
Thanks in advance xx