Favourite games here at the moment:
Putting dolls (and Mummy!) to bed - I get told "lie down" and then get my back rubbed
Doing dolls hair or Mummy's hair
Tea party - we have a painted wooden tea set with 'cakes' and 'sandwiches' and she loves making tea for everyone
Pasta party! Put dried pasta in a bowl, spoon to stir it with and she happily 'make dinner' and serve it
Simple baking - crispy cakes (melted chocolate and stir in cereal)
Playdoh also a hit here - we stick dried seeds, lentils, pasta into it to make patterns or build animals
Drawing/painting/stickers - not 'girly' as such but we talk about colours, sometimes make 'butterfly pictures' (paint on one side then fold over to make print on the other, then cut out shape of butterfly when dry), could also paint then sprinkle glitter on, hand/finger painting?
Unpacking handbags - she has one of my old bags with keys, toy phone, brush, hair bobbles, purse etc in which she can unpack and repack, then will put it over her arm and wave bye bye to go 'shopping'