Author Topic: 3 mo ready to switch nipple to medium flow?  (Read 1446 times)

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3 mo ready to switch nipple to medium flow?
« on: September 24, 2013, 19:19:01 pm »
we are exclusively bf for my 3 mo milk has always come out fast, she has always been an efficient eater eating mostly on 1 side for under 10 mins and sometimes will take the other side for a few mins...for middle of night feeds she always coughs a but since it comes out fast for her nursing.
the last 2 feeds of the day i give her expressed breastmilk with a slow flow nipple and it has taken her up to 20 -25 mins to take in 5 oz.... this is a lot slower than how my milk comes out when nursing...also when i pump i get the 5 oz in 10mins or so...
my question is when do they switch to medium flow nipples for the bottles? it says 4 mos but i think she is ready for it at 3 mos...what have others done? i have tried it the past few times she seems ok with it when she is calm and can focus on eating if she is frustrated or fussy before the feed she goes at it real fast and coughs up a bit etc...wanted to know what others are doing?

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Re: 3 mo ready to switch nipple to medium flow?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 21:34:35 pm »
I know many BFing mamas stick with a slower flow because it makes baby work for it and (in theory) reduces the likelihood of them developing a bottle preference because the bottle is so much easier.

Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: 3 mo ready to switch nipple to medium flow?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 16:07:41 pm »
When we were mixed BF and bottle feeding, we didn't move to a stage 2 teat until DS was around 7m, I think.  The main signs for us that a change was needed was that DS wasn't sucking at the teat anymore, but more chewing/gumming on it.
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Re: 3 mo ready to switch nipple to medium flow?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2013, 19:20:03 pm »
C is still on the 2-4 month teat and he is 12 months old! He defo works for it but doesn't get frustrated! Whenever I tried him with the next teat he always coughed it up and ended up being sick so we just stuck with it. I had quite a fast flow at that age too but still used the slower teat.

25 minutes does seem quite long but I'm not really sure what advice to give except maybe wait for some more 'signs' that she needs the faster teat.
Kelly, mum of two amazing boys 2008 and 2012

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Re: 3 mo ready to switch nipple to medium flow?
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2013, 15:03:35 pm »
With DS he switched at 6 months, with DD we tried switching at around 3 months since she wasn't taking a lot per bottle (and my flow was fast), but it didn't help increase her bottle intake and was getting messy, so we switched back until recently when she was 7.5 months. Both were slower with the bottle than they were while nursing.