I did yes. I stopped putting salt in things like pasta when it is boiling and used herbs/spices in stews rather than stock type things which are usually mostly salt. If we had something where you couldn't avoid the salt then I either didn't give him that part of the meal (and made sure there was another part of the meal he could have, steamed veg) or gave a very very small portion and avoided salt the rest of the day. Some things I took out his serving to cool down and then added salt or soy sauce or stock, extra/hotter curry paste to the adult meal whilst DS's cooled down.
Humus DS liked but only shop bought (and prob because it was salty!) he never liked my home made no salt version so I just watched how much he had and didn't give him pate, canned tuna, baked beans, or lots of bread in the same day (bread is high in salt in the UK). Although pate I was able to make a version without added salt, only the salt in cheese/cream cheese which seasoned it and he loved that.
I changed quite a few things, not just salt, but large chunks of veg in stews rather than small, ate a lot more oven baked wedges (sweet potato, turnip, carrot and white potato either unseasoned or with garlic powder or other spices or herbs instead of salt), different shaped pasta based on what was easy to pick up (there are hilarious photos of babies eating spaghetti but mine would be so frustrated if I gave him spag, he was a serious eater and wanted the food in his mouth without additional struggle - he likes spag now though) so twists or spirals, usually just making that as the family meal but some times making a separate serving for DS if we really wanted spag or tagliatele (sp?). Mine still doesn't like mashed potato for example so he will have plain boiled potato with some butter or mint sauce on meanwhile I add salt or mustard etc to the adult potatoes and mash them. So, yeah I changed quite a lot really, not just the salt, but it didn't feel like a big deal and I'm sure it was less 'work' than making totally separate meals.
Lower salt intake is likely a healthier option for the whole family but if someone really wants the salt then adding after LO is served or at the table might be needed (I try not to put a salt cellar on the table because of course DS wants everything and I have to tell him he is not allowed that until he is older, seems a bit unfair to have it there, but we do at times).