Author Topic: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12  (Read 191555 times)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #60 on: June 03, 2014, 13:54:11 pm »
Thanks Creations. It's reassuring to hear it's ok if he hasn't fully got the hang of swallowing yet. He certainly gets practice chewing, that's for sure! However, I hadn't thought of tongue tie. He has no problem breastfeeding but I think I will get him checked out to be sure.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #61 on: June 03, 2014, 18:21:37 pm »
I honestly don't know enough about tongue tie to know if it can only show up during weaning or if it would for certain show up when milk feeding in the earlier months. It's a quick and easy thing to have checked though.
I'll see if any other mods know.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #62 on: June 03, 2014, 20:55:42 pm »
OK after asking other mods it seems entirely possible that a tongue tie could be noticed but not acted upon, or missed and get a late diagnosis.  So this may not be the cause of the spitting but it is possible for BF to have gone fine but LO is still tongue tied.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #63 on: June 03, 2014, 21:09:16 pm »
I appreciate your investigation, thank you. I will make an appointment at the doctors tomorrow. Man, I love this forum!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #64 on: June 03, 2014, 21:11:24 pm »

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2014, 16:07:19 pm »
Just bear in mind not all HCPs can or are willing to diagnose/treat a tongue tie. :-\
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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #66 on: June 04, 2014, 18:29:10 pm »
Hmm, I suspected as much. Not sure what I'll do if my doctor doesn't satisfy me that he's checked it properly...

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2014, 12:26:25 pm »
Man, I love this forum!
Me too :)
Me too :D

I read about BLW, I think Im sort of doing it.
V is eating solids good so far. Although I offer her food for her to pick up and eat on her own, Im still doing most of the feeding.
Im still cooking separately for her tough, with no spices at all.
So far I have cooked simply prepared foods-cooked potatoes, pureed fruit and veggies, finger food-cauliflower, peach, broccoli, apple.
But as far as I understand, blw means that I give her everything that we eat (but no salt and other spices?),yes?

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2014, 17:37:31 pm »
If you are doing a mixture of puree foods with spoon feeding and finger foods that baby self feeds this is really more of a 'traditional weaning' approach. With BLW baby self feeds all the foods and there are no specially prepared purees, although some foods are naturally mushy for instance humous or other dips.  It's quite common now for people to refer to finger foods as BLW even though BLW is really a different approach.

I would still follow the food guides for your country for instance low/no salt, no honey until 1yo, no whole nuts, no raw shellfish...
but otherwise yes you can offer just about anything.  I altered the way I prepare food to make it more suitable for DS, chopped veggies into big chunks for instance so they could be picked up.  I still used spices, not as hot though.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2014, 18:10:52 pm »
So if I bake potatoes for us I give her that,and if I make pancakes I give her that, right?
Still doing the tryouts tough? Well, I have to anyways.
I do like this idea very very much. Trying it first thing tomorrow.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2014, 18:55:03 pm »
Yeah that's basically it. Adult finger sized chunks/batons are helpful for the grasp.  I mean if you're eating a triple chocolate ice-cream sundae I wouldn't give her that ;) and I'd check fish for bones but basically, yeah give her a piece of something you're having.

A tip I read for purees you already have stored (if you have) is to use as spread on toast, sauce for pasta or fruit in a pancake mix, it doesn't have to go to waste.

I didn't do any trials but of course if you know there are or may be intolerance/allergies then yes you would just offer what you know is safe plus 1 new food.

Have fun :)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #71 on: August 12, 2014, 13:15:25 pm »
I'm doing a bit of blw with H and also offering some purées (so maybe that means it's not really blw at all).

Anyway, when I put food on her tray she picks it up (now, didn't at first ::) ) and plays with it but is yet to actually put any of it in her mouth herself.  Is this common at 6mos?

(Perhaps I should add she's not really that interested in the purées I'm offering her either, usually doesn't have that much at all, sometimes none, then she's had enough).

I think if I were doing solely blw she wouldn't have actually eaten anything at all yet. Would that be ok? I know iron stores start depleting from 6 mos...  She is still EBF otherwise
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 13:17:51 pm by cathn »
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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #72 on: August 12, 2014, 14:01:36 pm »
That's all fine.  She's still getting plenty of iron from your breastmilk (it's in a more easily absorbed form in your milk than in formula).  It's very common in BLW for not much to go in to start with, but once she realises what she's got and has a go, she'll pick up on what's meant to happen next :)
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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #73 on: August 12, 2014, 14:19:09 pm »
thanks :) :-*

Yk I thought that was probably the case but was starting to question myself..

H is so different to L it's like I'm doing this for the first time LOL. (With L we were asking ourselves "Would she ever stop eating?  Should we be letting her have so much?" :P )
DD1 - 8 years old
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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2014, 05:01:42 am »
Hey! Anyone still chatting on here?