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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #90 on: January 09, 2015, 16:37:28 pm »
Just oil in general. So I am useless with anything concerning oats. I can only get my hands on Quaker oats and somehow I keep messing up the recipe. Made oat fingers the other day and DD took one bite and looked truly disgusted:p Just cooked up a batch of banana pancakes for breakfast and have frozen a few. Starting on my freezer stash! Hooray. I saw an interesting recipe for banana spinach pancakes too. I need to incorporate more iron rich foods. Actually need to educate myself more about different foods.

Also reading up about the benefits of cooking with coconut oil. Amazing. I'm almost tempted to never use any other kind again. Of course, everything would be coconutty! :p

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #91 on: January 09, 2015, 18:45:37 pm »
I think many people find the coconut oil not to be too coconutty in flavour.
LOs need lots of fats so I wouldn't worry about too much oil/butter/coconut oil, minimizing oil/fat is really something for older children and adults depending on health/weight etc.

There's a recipe for oaty chews here
Re: Finger Foods (6 months+)
Which she might find a bit more tasty than plain oats. Once you've got the hang of it you can throw in just about anything and they work out fine.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #92 on: January 11, 2015, 17:44:19 pm »
Porridge fingers are great.  You can add dried fruit and all sorts to them to make them more interesting.  Same quantity in tablespoons of oats (Quaker is great!) and milk, mix together, allow to soak for a short time (although that's not really necessary), flatten the top then 2 minutes in an 800w microwave (adjust time to suit alternative wattage).  Either cut into fingers or quarters.  I'd start with 2tbsp and work from there.
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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #93 on: February 24, 2015, 23:06:40 pm »
Ok I lost the thread of how to cook sweet potatoes for my 8 month old.


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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #94 on: February 25, 2015, 18:30:10 pm »
There's a finger foods thread here
Finger Foods (6 months+)
(do feel free to add to it with any ideas of your own too :) )

I roasted sweet potato wedges, either dry or tossed in some oil first, just spread on a baking tray and pop them in the oven until the inside is soft and the outside crispy.  You can sprinkle with herbs before cooking too.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #95 on: February 25, 2015, 22:17:25 pm »
Awesome...what temp and roughly how long? I'm gonna have my oven going later...and how do you store them? Freeze and reheat or fridge and reheat?


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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #96 on: February 26, 2015, 08:02:44 am »
Something highish for about 30 mins. Honestly I never look at the temperature.
I only served on the day they were fresh or kept in the fridge and served the following day. I didn't re-heat.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #97 on: March 02, 2015, 14:07:26 pm »
Hey back again lol! What's yalls thoughts on eggs...when to indroduce and how? Ds is really enjoying his big boy food but I need to mix it up and I love eggs, no egg allergies in the family so I wanted to try. I never did with dd and now she won't eat them at all.


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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #98 on: March 02, 2015, 14:20:40 pm »
Sunday is egg yolk day here:) She loves it. I also have been using the yolks while making pancakes. Scrambled eggs & omelettes were not a big hit though. I read that they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids & iron.

I have a question too - Right now I am only giving E breakfast & lunch. I thought she wouldn't eat much with BLW but the kid is packing it in. It is so brilliant to watch her eat. I don't feel absolutely comfortable giving her solids in the evening yet as I am worried the effects it could have on the night. Also, she doesn't  seem very interested in nursing. I have read that this can happen around this age but it is still worrying. Any BTDT experience with this? What would be a routine with solids and bfing? Usually it is milk first but how would the evening go?

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #99 on: March 02, 2015, 14:38:34 pm »
How do you give her thebyolks? Just separate and scramble? I read it's best to hard boil then separate bc of possible reactions to the whites but I also read that's not even guaranteed to do it...


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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #100 on: March 02, 2015, 14:48:31 pm »
I give her the hard boiled egg yolk. I have to hold it though for her to bite.

For the scrambled eggs, I used only yolks (although I have read that as long as there is no history of allergies, it is fine to give them the whites too) and I added cheese to it.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #101 on: March 02, 2015, 16:24:15 pm »
K I'm gonna try yolks at lunch time...I guess he's getting brunch lol...maybe I'll have a mimosa when I feed him hahaha. I'm waiting on cheese though...when I used to eat most dairy it would hurt his tummy so I haven't been having any cheese and avoiding milk as well. Would you think Hard boiled or scrambled is best to start with?


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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #102 on: March 02, 2015, 16:50:21 pm »
Hard boiled is good

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #103 on: March 02, 2015, 17:40:59 pm »
Just last night I was watching old movies of DS and his BLW journey. He ate spinach and something (I forget what! maybe cheese or mushroom?) fritata like he'd been starved for 6 months. There are no rules on waiting in the UK so DS had eggs right away.  I believe the egg is supposed to be fully cooked but as there is no risk of salmonella here I tried him with runny yolk too (he didn't like and still doesn't like eggs with the white and yolk un-mixed).  Anyway, the fritata was a huge hit. I whisked a few eggs straight into an oven proof dish added a bit of pre-cooked (left over) veg and shoved it in the oven to cook through.  you can also do an individual egg in a ramekin although I wouldn't be heating up the oven for a single egg, but say if you needed to make a cheese free one for LO and a cheesy one for the rest of the family or whatever, it's handy to know an egg will raise perfectly in a ramekin :)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning support thread #12
« Reply #104 on: March 02, 2015, 17:51:49 pm »
Yeah I do my hard boiled eggs in the oven so I put 6 in there so I can have a quick and easy snack or breakfast. Im gonna cut it up and let him try and feed himself the yolk to start, maybe feed him a little too. Im hoping he likes it. I feel like he needs protein in his diet. I was gonna try scrambled tomorrow...make me some eggs for breakfast and give him a try. I guess theres new info out that waiting to give kids these allergy foods actually makes them more prone to having the allergy or something.

Can I ask why there is no risk of salmonella there? I easy sunny side up eggs and they have really runny yolks but I didn't think that I could get salmonella from it!! Oh man!!!!!!
