Author Topic: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???  (Read 2426 times)

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Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« on: September 29, 2013, 14:19:09 pm »

Hi guys
Our DS watches very little TV, mainly I guess because we watch it so little ourselves. But he does get to watch about half hr of Dora/ Bob etc on sat and Sunday mornings. Recently ( last month or 2) he is having major meltdowns when we say that's enough, that's 3 episodes etc. of course we discuss before and give him plenty warning etc. he is a Spirited LO, and doesn't adapt all that well anyway.
We r now thinking is that too little tv time.. Is TV such a huge thing because he doesn't see it often??

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 14:34:12 pm »
I don't think you'll find any paediatrician to tell you that a child needs more TV.

Transitions can be immensely tricky for spiriteds.  My spirited LO sees NO TV, and has no screen time of any sort, and I think that helps him not to become OS.  TV may be so stimulating for your LO that it's a really huge effort to switch off from it.   Like trying to get yourself to stop eating your favourite thing....! I'd try no TV and see if that helps.  But then I don't allow any TV for my LOs, so I would say that. :)
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 14:37:30 pm »
How old is he?  I agree with pp, I don't think there is any such thing as 'not enough tv'.  We watch very little here, but then I don't have a spirited lo, and she is fine to turn it on knowing in advance that there will be just one show.  There is a giant difference between how I would approach this with a 2 year old vs a 4 year would need to know how old he is.   :)


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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2013, 14:40:55 pm »
He could be watching 6 hours a day and still have a tantrum when you say it is enough, he is just being two  ;)

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2013, 17:46:24 pm »
My DS likes to watch programmes over and over, like he has to learn every single line before he can let it go. Rather than watch loads of different programmes you might find that recording one episode of one programme and replaying it several times gets him happily through his drive to learn that script rather than having he general TV on and every programme begins a new set of things to learn.  Mine watches more than other might but he is also very active, very interested in learning new things, very imaginative, and when he's had enough TV he will play alongside or just get the remote control and turn it off. I do find it helps to have the same programme (or several recorded to keep repeating over months/years!) over and over. I also see he learns a ton of stuff from the programmes he watches so I don't mind, but I would mind if he wanted TV and nothing else and wasn't playing well in other areas. Every kid is so different.

Offline newbabe

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2013, 20:10:06 pm »
Thanks guys
He is 3 and 4 mts. Prob overstimulation, good to hear some if you don't watch any TV was thinking were we freaks :-)

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2013, 21:04:38 pm »
You're not alone!
We have managed to avoid tv altogether so far-however
long more that will last!

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2013, 21:20:21 pm »
My ds watches few tv, I would say 30 mins per day (but this is an average, some days 10 mins and some days 1 h). He used to have a tantrum every time we needed to switch off, so we limited it much more before. For example, we avoid it before bt, because every single time we allowed it before bt it resulted in a pre-bt meltdown...  ::)
Anyway, I also do not think that you can have too less tv. What I think is:
1) tv may be overstimulating. So it is better to avoid it before a difficult transition, like bt.
2) if you introduce it in one of the daytime routine, and keep the time limited, it is more likely the lo will learn to accept to switch it off. For example, we had and have tv before dinner (it can be 10 mins or 30 mins, depending of the time) and Ds learned quite quickly that if he switched off tv to come for dinner, he will see tv tomorrow, the same time. An entire week in between is perhaps too much for an lo to understand it is actually a routine. So if you want to introduce it as a routine thing, I would do it more frequently and, if you prefer, with shorter sessions.
3) sometimes ds had tantrums on switching off tv because he was alread ot and tv was actually a way for him of chilling. I think that, if you decide to use it, it is actually a good thing to teach a kid to use it as an instrument for relaxing after a long day, or in place of nap time as a quiet time.
4) I totally agree with creations: if your child likes to play with other stuff and doesn't ask for tv so much, the amount of tv is probably ok.

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2013, 22:23:26 pm »
I agree with Barbara about the chilling out time too. Mine used to get highly stimulated by toddler group and when we got home we both needed a break and a chill out, he'd watch TV and I'd escape to BW, 10 or 15 mins later when we'd both had our bit of alone time (in the same room) he'd just snap out of his slump and start playing which was my cue to leave BW :)
Having a kid that watches more than others might I think I've observed his habits and reasons for wanting to watch and really think a recording or DVD of episodes would help you so you can play the same episode/s each weekend.  DVDs also have a clear 'end' to the episode and return to the menu where as TV just keeps them on a roll leading from one programme to another and drawing them in and on.
We've always had 20 mins of TV just before bath and BT, the same programme but a range of episodes repeated.  Here it is the beginning of our 'BT hour' it marks tidy up time (all toys are put away) and chill out time before going up for his bath. At the end of the prog he gets the remote control and turns the TV off then takes himself straight to the stairs to go up.  Habits and routine can help to mark out the day and mark out the time when the TV must go off.

Offline nwmm

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Re: Too LITTLE tv time do u think???
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2013, 01:33:06 am »
Before age two, I really tried to limit tv--as in hardly at all.  At age two, my lo needed to be entertained while I fed my micro preemie.  Suddenly, feeding was a priority and if I needed some tv help it came on.

Now, my youngest is 6.  She needs a nap, but can't take one because she will be up until 10 dancing.  So, after 1/2 school, the tv goes on for awhile.  It is her "nap time" basically.  If she is well rested, the tv will be ignored.  If not, the tv stays on.  I am ok with it because my kids are at the playground and  in sports every day after school.

This summer, if the tv didn't go on much at all.  And, they didn't miss it.  When the tv goes on, and i don't feel they "need" it, they can get lazy and won't want to turn it off.

My advice/my experience  is if you "need" it then, use it for awhile.  If you don't "need" it, don't bother
turning it on.  It only gets us in trouble. Mine forget about it. 
« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 01:34:42 am by nwmm »