Good Lord, I just read back my post - evident are all the reasons why I shouldn't post when I'm super tired with head lolling trying to keep awake while I finish my post!!! I shall try and again....
Yes there is IME a developmental leap around 2years which send sleep doo-lally. For us it manifested itself by way of long NW and EW. Luckily are naps were not affected so between naps and EBT there was scope for catch up.
R turned all needy at BT - no mummy, please stay, lie down, all panicky and not wanting to go to bed or go to bed alone. I offered her reassurance that she was fine, that it was bedtime and that mummy was there for her. On occasion she accepted it but at other times it would lead to hysteria - lots of no, no. no and pleading for me to stay. I don't think her cutting teeth at the same time really helped out course.
Now that I've dealt with the doom and gloom, for some positive news, it passes and relatively quickly (compared to the 18SR ime). For us, Im sure it was no more than a couple of weeks. After which we dealt with the OT and got back on track.
Again, Im sorry my 1st post was so utterly useless but hope that this one is somewhat more helpful. Big (((hugs))) ladies for those in the midst of this mare, I truly do feel your pain