Hi, my lo is 6.5 months old. She has always been a little bit lower in her A time than the average for her age which is fine but lately I'm finding it hard to keep her awake in the mornings. For instance this morning we got up at 7.45 but by 8.45 she seemed so tired and was getting upset and rubbing her eyes. I managed to keep her up until 9.30 but it was hard going. Her EASY changes every day as I don't go by nap times I just go by her cues. Should I have nap times at this age? She wakes at different times in the morning so I'm not sure how I would do that as she wakes between 6-8am. Lately she has been sleeping longer which is a major bonus as she did go through a time of waking for the day at 5am sometimes 4am. She can go to sleep by herself and often I can just put her in her cot wide awake say night night pat and shush for about a minute and walk out of the room with her watching me. Within 5 minutes she'll be asleep and I think this has been the major thing for her early wakings as she now just turns over and goes back to sleep. She has dropped her catnap herself too. Her EASY yesterday was:
wu 7.30
S 9.30 -11
tried to get her to nap at 3.00, 4.00 and 4.30 but wouldn't sleep.
bt 6.30
A lot of her days go like this. She'll often have a proper nap in the morning and then short in the afternoon. Is it because her A time isn't long enough? If it's better having the same nap times ever day what times would you suggest? Her normal bedtime is 7pm.