Ok so he fought me tooth and nail all arvo but was clearly tired. This is what Z did with the CN but I could APOP in the car. I can't with T due to having Z
I got 4.40-5.10ish. But it's killing me to rock him
He is insanely hypo - I think were in a WW, he's trying to feed himself, copy me, put things together. ATM he is climbing all over DH like a crazed puppy
I don't think I can handle this much spirit
he is eating a ton too...GS?
So..I can not see in a million years him going down now (it's 6.40) but we will aim for a 2 hr A - 7.10
I guess 1/2 the problem is he isn't IS again following this croup and illness. I don't know if I should st till he has caught up - it's a catch 22! WWYD?