I just wanted to get some support with improving my little girl’s night sleep. She has just turned 15 months and although she hasn’t been a bad sleeper she has never slept through the night (only on the odd occasions) so I’d like to see if I can help her with this.
This is her current EASY:
W - (depends, usually anywhere form 5 am – 6 am)
S - 11:30 am (always has a minimum of 1 and a half hours, will often have 2 or even more, it changes every day).
BT - 7 pm
She is an independent sleeper and at the moment she go downs fine for her nap, but we’ve been having problems with bedtime. She used to go to sleep independently at bedtime too, but when she dropped her second nap she inevitable got overtired and would consistently fall asleep on her night bottle and it has been like this for months now. On the rare occasions where she hasn’t fallen asleep on it, it has been really hard to get her down. I’ve been wanting to break this habit and over the last few days, I have been sitting her up when giving her milk in the bottle and this seems to have really helped with stopping her from falling asleep on it, so I can now work on putting her down awake again. This seems to be going well, it has only been 3 nights, but she seems to be getting used to it. At the moment I am sitting by the door with my back to her and verbally given her reassurance if she does any ‘I need you cries’, she will then lay herself down. This is what I did when we went through a difficult time putting her down for her nap recently. As she got used to her new set nap time, I found that I was able to leave the room as soon as I put her in the cot and I now never have to go back in as she settles herself. My plan is to keep to what I am doing at night and then leave the room when I feel the time is right and start WI/WO, does this sound ok? It worked well for her nap and it just feels like the right thing to do at the moment.
Also during the night she will wake once, and the time of this can vary. This is because she is still in the habit of having some milk in a bottle at night. It has been a long slow road with solids with her, but over the last month or so she has progressed massively and I feel that now is the right time to wean her from this night feed! I have been reducing the amount by an ounce over a 3 day period and I’m hoping that this will help to wean her from it. In a week or so, we will be at the end of the bottle and I’m hoping that she won’t wake up for it anymore and if she does then I’ll just resettle her without offering milk.
The other thing is she is waking early from her night sleep. I’m realising that she is definitely an 11hr a night girl and has never done a 12 hour night, so I think an 11 hr night is realistic for her. I was getting her up even if she woke around 5 am but over the last few days I have stopped doing this and will now tell her that it is still night time and that it’s time to go back to sleep. The first morning it took an hour for her to go back to sleep and she then only slept for 20 mins. The second morning she woke at 6:10 am so we started the day then. This morning though she woke at 5 am and it took an hour and 15 mins to fall back to sleep but she did then sleep for an hour! The times of the early wakes really vary, I’m just wondering if she does this out of habit or if it is routine related? She does seem to be tired in the mornings, but I’m sure that it hasn’t helped her if I have been getting her up any time after 5 am. I really want to try to help her now to get better sleep! Do you think by doing what I am doing when she wakes early could help her to sleep for longer naturally?
Does anyone have any thoughts about any of this?