Yesterday was a big milestone in that my 12 week LO rolled back to front. I didnt even think about it when I put him to bed in his swaddle with one arm out (we are slowly trying to wean).
Just thought I was making progress in the sleep department when last night at 3:30AM, LO was grunting and whining. I didnt go in as he wasnt crying, but the whining continued for some time. Finally went in and found LO lying on tummy with face in pool of vomit!
After cleaning it up, every time I put him down to sleep again, he rolled over.
Any advice for sleep training with an LO who wont stay put? I tried putting a rolled blanket under the side he likes to roll towards, which made shh-putt super awkward for me at night because I had to do it left handed (turned him on right side to patt back rather than right).
Also, abandoned the swaddle and dont know if he is quite ready to have both arms loose!