Hi, just wanted to pop on with my own experience of low milk intake. Mine always took less than guidance (about half!) and I would always say to make sure weight and growth are ok etc, mine was although I still worried. Anyway, often the advice on low milk intake is to up the dairy solids, yoghurt, milky puddings (custard, rice pudding etc), cheese etc and that is worth trying, however I found the more milky solids i gave him the less milk he drank. He appeared to be self regulating his dairy intake. When I cut out all dairy solids he started taking more milk in his bottle again. I preferred him to have the formula milk (rather than solids) because of the added vits so I just gave small amounts of cheese but no other dairy solids from then on. Thought it might help - worth an experiment.
I also gave vitamin drops, in the UK they are recommended anyway.
Finger food you can give just about anything at this age, something from your own meal will help to prepare her for family meals rather than separate meals. Batons, wedges or strips.