Lo is 22weeks and has been refusing/taking a lot less milk on her dream feed.
She currently has 5 bottles per day including her Df and takes on average 6oz in the day, per bottle, 8 on bedtime feed and has been taking between 1 and 3 1/2 oz on Df (used to be on average 6) and this is sometimes taking up to an hour as she doesn't want it. I also have to wake her up to get her to take it. This has coincided with starting to wean (recommendation by doc due to diagnosis of reflux). She's been eating food since 17 weeks and now has 3 'meals' a day consisting of fruit or veg and takes on average the equivalent to 2 oz per meal. so in total she is drinking between 26-30oz per day (depending on how much she takes at df) plus 4-6oz of food. Hv is happy with her weight gain, which is steady and just above the 75th percentile.
So my question is do I drop the Df? If so, do I do it gradually or just try and drop it altogether? She currently has her bedtime bottle between 6.30-7pm and Df at 11pm.
In your experience, if I drop the Df will this mean she will wake up earlier?
Your advice will be really welcome, thanks in advance.