Trying to follow the EASY routine with my 4 week old son. I currently have mastitis, & midwife says that this could be due to missing a feed when my husband gave my son a bottle of expressed milk. Lump is about the size of a large plum. I have been on antibiotics for 2 days, & feel better in myself, but lump still hard & red, and throbs sometimes...does anyone know how long before the lump should go? I'm still feeding from that side.
Also, my son is going longer between feeds at night, but I get so engorged if he hasn't fed for more than 4 hours, so am having to wake up & hand express, as I'm so worried that engorgement could make the mastitis worse, or cause mastitis in the other breast...are my worries substantiated, or is it ok to leave my breasts engorged if baby is still asleep? Sometimes my son can sleep for 5.5 hours, and would really like to not have to set my alarm to hand express!
I am feeding from both sides at each feed, and so neither of my breasts are used to going for a long time when they are full. I'm not sure if I can suddenly just swap to one side each feed, as my breasts just get so engorged...what would you do? Just let them get engorged & hope mastitis doesn't set in again, or carry on feeding on both sides?
Sorry for all the questions, and thanks in advance.