Author Topic: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot  (Read 4125 times)

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2013, 06:47:25 am »
Well if he is teething and he is uncomfortable then it is really tricky to ST. If you feel he is uncomfortable or I pain and you need to cuddle him for this I understand. Having said that, at this age we often found going in to DD would make her more frustrated that not going in, so after taking advice from others here we often just reassure from the doorway with our voices, or do a sort of walk in (sort out whatever needs doing fairly quickly and quietly) walk out and reassure from the door. Do you think this could help you in the mornings? Do you have a sleepy phrase? Something like "it's still nighttime sweetie, sleep tight, mummy's here" can be very reassuring.

But it is your choice of course, if you feel he needs you then go with it and we can sort the morning problem when he doesn't have teeth on the move.
~ Naomi ~

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2013, 07:24:30 am »
I agree less interaction is definitely a better strategy with DS.

Not bad last night - gave DF meds and no NWs. He woke at 5 but didn't get upset so laid him down, said sleepy phrase and left him to it - no crying. He tried to get back to sleep til 5.30 when sat up again so laid him down again and walked out. Laid there til 5.40 when got very upset and when I went in he had pooed. Changed his nappy and put back in bed but hysterical during nappy change so had to hold him but nearly 6 by this stage so we got up.

He is less clingy/crying less today and actually seems less tired. Am defo thinking teeth are contributing to the NW/EW so will medicate for the next week at bedtime and do a DF med too and be consistent with the less is more approach when he does EW where I feel I can.

Will report back in a few days.

Thanks again for your support.

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2013, 19:09:22 pm »
Found a molar poking through and another v close - starts to explain things for sure! Had a good day today after 5.40 WU with near 2 hr nap at 12.40 and asleep for 7. Gonna try giving nurofen and calpol at 2am and see if that is enough to keep the pain at bay. His mood has been very good today and he really doesn't seem that OT either so fingers crossed. I officially hate teeth!

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2013, 07:57:06 am »
Ugh horrible night - quite disturbed sleep/lots of rolling around between 10.30-12.30 then NW at 12.45 and 1.45 - was giving meds and teething gel but as a result of picking up to do this I then had to hold until v v v drowsy to get back down. Then again at 4.40 - got him back to bed after 20 mins for another 25 mins then sat up in cot again so just held til 6 and he sort of dozed. Got to put it down to his molars.

Will do 1 nap again at nursery today.

Do I stick with 12.30 set nap over the weekend or do you think I should make it a bit earlier e.g. 12 so he can maybe have a shorter A in the morning? Am getting concerned these EWs are never going to end...

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #34 on: November 15, 2013, 20:57:50 pm »
Oh poor poppet! Molars are super yucky.

It's a difficult call really because if you move the nap earlier it may be just what he needs to catch up after bad teeth NWs, but the other side of the coin is that if the teething is really making an impact then he's actually doing well with the set nap - and why change it if that's the case.

I would say go with your instinct this weekend and reassess on Monday. Xx
~ Naomi ~

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #35 on: November 15, 2013, 22:00:30 pm »
Well the poor thing only had 45 mins sleep today - he feel asleep at nursery at 11.45 and woke up starving 45 mins later. Then he fell asleep on the way home from nursery and I couldn't wake him so I just put him to bed, even fully undressing him and putting on pyjamas and sleeping bag didn't wake him up. He has basically been asleep now since 5pm other than waking at 6 when I gave him a bottle and he went straight back down. This will no doubt either work brilliantly and he does a mega sleep catch up or we will be up early tomorrow! I am going to try and get 12 hrs out of him if I can and then decide tomorrow my nap strategy to get back to a reasonable bedtime and get back in track to try 1 nap on Sunday and see where we are on Monday as you say. Just really hope his teeth give him a break tonight and we can reduce general OT.

Thanks again - have a great weekend.

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2013, 10:03:15 am »
Oh my, poor poppet - how did the night go?
~ Naomi ~

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2013, 13:34:45 pm »
Could have been worse - 2 hr NW and then awake for the day at 4.45 with no chance of resettle as absolutely wide awake so at least by being in bed at 5 he still got 10 hrs. Couldn't keep him awake past 10.30 this am but he woke screaming after an hour as forgot to medicate first thing. Will try for another nap later this afternoon for 40 mins probably. Just winging it for now as set nap and ST are out the window - he is just too tired to make it to 12.30 and just screams horribly if left and just can't do it. Just aiming to finally put him down before fully asleep as seems the best we can do for now. Will have a load of stuff to sort out once these teeth are through! Just trying not to let it get me down but the EWs are really getting to me as he just won't resettle even if picked up and am one tired mummy today and slightly tearful as a result - early night tonight, such a rock and roll lifestyle I lead these days!!! :-)

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2013, 14:13:54 pm »
Oh, honey....things really sound rough.  As many hugs to you as can be sent in the virtual world! I hope you can get at least a bit of a nap in when he sleeps.

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2013, 14:46:07 pm »
Cheers love. That means a lot.

Just been to the doctors with him as wasn't happy about how upset he was after his nap today and he has got an ear infection. :-( Hopefully now with antibiotics things will really improve over the next few days then we can see where we are. Just going with his sleepy signs til then.

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2013, 19:34:22 pm »
Oh poor him and poor you, you definitely can't do any kind of ST while he's poorly. We've had lots of ear infections here too and they really are the pits. Hugs xxx
~ Naomi ~

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2013, 13:45:29 pm »
Yikes hope someone can help me!

So DS is maxed out on painkillers and a couple of days into his anti-biotics.

Had NWs galore and will only go back down once fast asleep in my arms or screams the place down but the last 2 nights from 3/4am he just will not go back down into his cot at all - seems to fall asleep/quiet in my arms but as soon as put down he just pops right back up into sitting and cries. I've essentially ended up with him in my arms til 6!!! It's a total nightmare!

He's ok during the day and goes down to sleep independently at bedtime but then we get this. Obviously ST is out the window til he's better but I just can't cope with this - any tips anyone?

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2013, 19:55:00 pm »
And tonight he couldn't SS at bedtime.

Today was
WU 6 (in my arms from 4)
Nap 10.40-11.25 at nursery
Nap 20.40-4 at nursery
S in bed at 7 went down ok, after 5 mins sat up/started crying, tried to settle in cot but in end had to hold, asleep 7.25

I told nursery they could let him have 2 naps as he's had such bad nights so can't work out if he maybe wasn't tired enough (we were doing 1 nap last week before he got ill) or overtired due to weeks of bad sleep from NWs then EWs then this (!!), it is illness related (he's got a cold and cough, the ear infection, plus 1 molar is part-way through and another coming) or we've got a prop of holding due to the NWs/EWs which is now affecting bedtime and maybe SA too as with all this going on he is v clingy.  Am guessing it is all of the above!

The poor poppet has so much going on and I am starting to get a bit overwhelmed with it all and don't know how to at least get a more stable routine until he's better and then when to consider ST.

Just wondering if I should be more specific about a napping routine I.e short 30 min catnap rather than 45 mins or whether to go with the flow until he's better?

As you can probably tell I am totally lost and just want the best for him whilst trying to not become a very tired mess myself!

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2013, 20:37:56 pm »
Hugs hugs and more hugs.

All you can do is go with the flow a little until he's well. You can ST again when he's well but for now, do whatever you need to get through and get him some sleep. Xxx
~ Naomi ~

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Re: Looong NWs for 13 month old and dangerous in cot
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2013, 20:37:22 pm »
Hey there

Think we are starting to turn the corner on the ear infection but still got a bad cough/runny nose. Have had to resort to rocking for bedtime and NWs and naps to try and preserve sleep as much as possible. Just 1 NW the last 2 nights and he's gone back to sleep quite quickly but still waking up around 5 at which point no amount of rocking is getting him back to sleep. He's medicated as far as I can go and 1 molar is through but I am pretty sure the next 3 are imminent and potentially his canines too so am thinking the meds aren't enough to allow him to drop off plus he is obviously so OT it's all keeping him awake in the early hours. My poor poppet - it's heart breaking to see how tired he is.

He has taken 2 naps a day over the weekend - generally 1 long 1.5hrs in the morning and a 45 min one in the afternoon following his tired signs. Yesterday at nursery he took a 3 hr nap 11-2 and today only 1 nap 12.15-2 after being awake from 4.50! It's then taken us til 7 to get him to bed.

Obviously ST is out of the question til he's totally better but am wondering what I can do to try and get on top of this OT in the meantime.

1 nap today has obviously been too much as just had a 45 min mark NW so rocked him back to sleep. Clearly v OT and will be a rough night I guess.

So I was wondering do I need to be more specific with nursery about naps as a way to help him catch up? I told them to go with the flow but maybe I need to ask them to put him down for 2? Plus should I be specific about which one should be short/long?

Should I be giving EBT a go? It's never worked before but maybe worth a shot?

Anything else I could be doing to help him catch up a bit? It's been 3 weeks now of EWs plus NWs along with illness and desperately need to help him get some sleep.

Never dealt with anything like this so am very grateful for any thoughts.