Author Topic: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months  (Read 6522 times)

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2013, 20:54:33 pm »
Mine started cutting his about 3 days after his canines had stopped giving him pain and it went on for a year!  Awful!
Aw, that's terrible! He's been working on these for a good 6 months.

He didn't go back to sleep after the garbage truck came so we tried an EBT but he didn't fall asleep until 7:30pm. He slept until 6:30am yesterday morning had a nap at 1:15pm for 1.5hrs (he woke himself). He fell asleep at 7:30pm for BT he seemed tired....

Today I'm not sure what time he got up. My husband got up with him around 7:15am but he said he heard him around 6:30am but only once and then nothing until 7:15am so not sure if he went back to sleep or not. So far no nap today its 1:50pm and he's been playing and pulling on the curtains etc since I put him in bed. :( He's never been a good with naps until we moved to the 1 nap a day and now with the transition to a bed we are having all these issues again. Today I can't wait for naps to be done with!

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2013, 18:10:55 pm »
Pretty good nights considering he's got molars on the move!  He might start napping regularly again if you stick with the routine, fingers crossed hey :)

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2013, 02:40:44 am »
Things are going downhill...

Yesterday he woke crying after 2hrs of his nap and was hysterical. It took me 30min to calm him down and he was miserable all evening. He then refused to go to bed and started laying on the floor kicking the door...He finally fell asleep at 9pm. He woke up this morning at 1:30 am and got out of his bed started screaming at the door and again at 6:30am. Normally he wouldn't even get out of bed in the morning until we come get him. Today he was miserable and super hyper. He finally went for a nap at 1:10pm and woke up twice during his nap crying. I resettled him and he slept for 2hrs but woke up crying banging on his door.

I think he's majorly OT? We try for an early nap and EBT but he's just not having it. Its 7:40pm and he keeps getting in and out of bed crying. Saying he needs to potty, needs a drink, needs another story anything to come back out. He rushes to the door and tries to "escape" when I go into the room.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2013, 11:01:59 am »
Am I right in thinking his night sleep has shortened by half an hour or so?
I'm just wondering if he is getting a bit too much day sleep?  Although his behaviour looks OT I've had times when mine looked just the same and it turned out he was UT, the waking screaming had me on the track of OT and trying to get him more sleep but the way forward was a later/shorter nap to make him good and tired for night sleep which helped him to sleep better/longer at night. I know mostly we look for short naps and a happy wake up for signs of UT but mine has done this screaming thing on wu during phases of his sleep needs reducing.
Mine wasn't at all happy about being woken from a nap and I delayed/avoided it for a long time but there did come a point when it was the only way forward.  With too long a nap his nights were restless with NWs and crying (and looked OT) with a shorter nap he slept longer and more soundly at night (still some disturbance here but there were other issues going on too).

I think with a shorter nap you might see less resistance at BT and a more relaxed sleep.  If things are bad it likely can't get much worse by trying it?
I'd go for a 1hr 30 nap and aim for 11hr night. What do you think?

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2013, 21:39:10 pm »
Am I right in thinking his night sleep has shortened by half an hour or so?
The night he went to sleep at 9pm and woke at 6:30am would have decreased his night sleep my an hour or more.

I think with a shorter nap you might see less resistance at BT and a more relaxed sleep.  If things are bad it likely can't get much worse by trying it?
I'd go for a 1hr 30 nap and aim for 11hr night. What do you think?
I wanted to try this today for nap but... he didn't nap.

He finally fell asleep last night at 8:15pm and then didn't wake this morning until 7:45am! It's always a battle with nap time when he sleeps in like that. I'm sick so DH got up with him this morning... I don't think I would have let him sleep that late. He didn't want to nap at all today. It's 2:35pm and he won't even lay down in bed he wants to come back out to the living room. He's screaming and kicking the door now :( Assuming he won't be napping. Whats a good EBT?

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2013, 14:24:27 pm »
We did an EBT at 6pm and he still refused for a few minutes. Around 6:10pm he was asleep. He had a few NW shortly after BT and then slept until 6:30am.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2013, 16:32:06 pm »
A pretty good night then!
The bit of refusal at 6pm will have been OT but it is so so hard to tell the difference with some LOs.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2013, 03:04:22 am »
It was a good night aside from the OT NW! He usually doesn't tack on so that was nice.

Today he was in the car at 11:30am and fell asleep with DH.... He hasn't fallen asleep in the car... EVER! He slept for 30 min and seemed fine all afternoon. I knew he wouldn't go down for a nap after that so I didn't even try. He fell asleep at 6:30pm for BT and so far no OT NW! :)

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2013, 07:33:32 am »
Sounds good!

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2013, 21:01:15 pm »
He slept until 6:30am and then napped at 2:00pm for 1.5hrs... but then he didn't fall asleep for BT until 8:30pm and still up at 6:30am. Today he doesn't want to nap again...:(

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2013, 11:20:03 am »
You could either cap the nap earlier and stick to set BT every day or how about trying one no nap day every week and on that day do EBT?  Either way can help make him tired enough for the nap and BT but depends what suits him. When I tried NNDs mine seemed fine until around 4pm but then became pretty dangerous, falling and so on, it didn't suit him at all so I continued with a nap every day until he totally dropped all in one go.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2013, 04:07:57 am »
He ended up napping yesterday and I woke him. He hates being woken up and is clingy for a good hour afterwards. Problem was BT he didn't want to go to sleep and he eventually fell asleep at 8:30pm... but woke at 5:30am.

Wouldn't nap today until 2pm and I capped his nap but again same problem at BT...Its 9:05pm and he just fell asleep. He will more then likely wake at 6:30am or earlier if so he will probably be really OT tomorrow.

He seems to do fine on the days that he has no nap. He gets a little cranky around 4/5pm but falls asleep no problems at 6 or 6:30am. The NND are less frustrating for me since he doesn't get in and out of bed constantly at BT.

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #27 on: November 22, 2013, 07:54:43 am »
In that case I would plan the NNDs so it is part of your routine and you know they are coming so you don't go through the stress of trying to put him down, late nap and then difficult BT.  I tried it with mine and it just didn't suit him but it does suit many.  In our case with doing a nap every day the naps were a struggle, wake up was awful and he was a grump the rest of the afternoon right up to an hour before BT when he brightened up, but BT was fine so I stuck with it. (we did nap 2 - 4 or 2 - 3.30 in the end with BT at 8pm he was fine with that short A time to bed but it looks like that is too short for your LO)
In your case BT is getting messy so I would think planning a NND would be worth a shot.  how about planning for 1 NND per week?  The rest of the week nap and BT as usual and see if the NND makes him tired enough to settle at a reasonable time.  Even though this way didn't work out for us I felt the reduction of stress once I'd decided which day was the NND and planned an activity for us to do instead.

What do you think?

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2013, 19:34:02 pm »
He started off doing fine with the short A time to BT but now it isn't working.

I think we will try the NND on Tuesday as thats the day DH is home. Now I just have to make it to Tuesday! Last night he was up until 9:30pm! Woke this morning at 5am then back to sleep until 7am. The lack of sleep has caught up to him today, he seems exhausted. I'm putting him down early for a nap at 12:30pm in hopes BT will be a bit better. So far he is laying in his bed quietly... looks like he may just fall asleep :)

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Re: Nap problems after transition to bed 28 months
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2013, 11:51:16 am »
fingers crossed for you. And hope you get through to tuesday as planned.