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Offline BabyKain12

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Opinions please
« on: November 05, 2013, 14:53:10 pm »
I just transitioned my LO to 1 (well technically 2) naps he just turned 1yr, his schedule is

6:00 wake, nurse, play, small breakfast
7:15 back to sleep
9:30/10-2:00 A time (he does very well up to the 4hr mark but the 9:30 mornings can be rough)
2-3:30/4 nap time
3:30/4-8/8:30 A time

So my problem lately is that he has been waking up at about 4:30/5am and not going back to sleep, which makes for very tired mommy and daddy. Anyways, I saw something that said the time between the nap and bed time should not exceed 4 hours (obviously for older babies and toddlers on a one nap schedule and not infants) and that it can make babies wake up not fully rested, but rested enough that they won't go back to sleep.could the extra 30 min before bed really make that much difference in wake up time? I guess it can't really hurt to try putting him to bed 30 minutes earlier...

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Opinions please
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 17:23:46 pm »
We were able to do 4.5 hours A time at that age, but our day was more like this:

7:00/7:30 wake up
11:30/12:00 nap (3 hour)
7:00/7:30 bedtime

So in saying that I would consider pushing bed back a bit and also the nap in the hopes that instead of waking at 6 and wanting to tack on to the night with that 7:15 nap you might get a later wake up and be able to do either a one nap day if you think that would work or a short am/long pm with the idea of heading into one nap eventually. Does that make sense? It has been awhile since I dealt with a tiny toddler!

Offline HenaV

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Re: Opinions please
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 18:43:32 pm »
Hi, our day at this age was pretty much identical to Heidi's. It looked like this:

WU: 7am
Nap:11am (3h)

Gradually the morning pushed out to give us a long morning A and short A to BT. I would certainly look at getting rid of the 7.15 am nap. Ime it is perpetuating your ew. Think of it this way, your LO can bank on having an early nap to compensate for the short night so why the heck not??? It might be rough for the first few day but he will catch on.
