Author Topic: 24 month old nap gone nutty  (Read 846 times)

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Offline Avamama75

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24 month old nap gone nutty
« on: November 15, 2013, 21:22:19 pm »
Hi!  I've wrote in in the past when stumped on a new fluke in my daughter's schedule but it's been quite some time.  Now......I'm back! :)  My daughter will be 2 on Sunday and she is what I would consider sooooo easy.  Once I got her on the E.A.S.Y. schedule at around 6 months she's been like a well oiled machine.  Minus a blip here or there.  My question or request for advice this time comes from her weekend nap going NUTTY.  I work full time and my mom keeps her during the day.  My Mom also sticks to a regular schedule.  Below is what her schedule is Monday - Friday.  (as well as on the weekend)

6:30 am  wake up ( I have to wake her sometimes and others she's awake but just waiting for me to get her out of the crib)
I leave for work at this time so we just grab a cup of milk and head to my mom's.

7:30/8:00  Breakfast

She plays hard, loves to read, goes outside and etc while at my mom's during the day

12:00/12:30   Lunch  (she does have snacks during the day as well)

1:00/3:00  Nap  (goes down easily and even will walk herself to the crib when she's ready to lay down

3:30  I pick her up at this time and go home to our house.  We play, read, etc until supper.

5:00/5:30  Supper

More play time after supper.

7:15 bath/lotions/pajamas/story time

7:45/8:00  Bedtime......again she easily goes down and even walks herself to the crib when she's ready to lay down.

I stick to this schedule on the weekend as well.  We're still up by 6:30 or even a few minutes before.  I do lunch at the same time and put her down for nap at the same time.  This was working perfectly until recently.  NOW on the weekends and when she's home during the day with me she goes down at 1pm for nap but will only sleep an hour, maybe.   Sometimes less and is awake and crying.  It's as if she's startled or scared.  My Mom blames it on she's used to sleeping during the day at her house.  BUT I teach school so I was home with her all summer until just a couple of months ago.  She napped here just fine.  HELP????  It's not that it's the end of the world but she gets cranky with a short nap.  :(  I will say this.......during these short naps I have brought her out of the crib and sat down with her only for her to go right back to sleep.  Which tells me she isn't done napping.  It happened again today.  She woke up at the 1 hour mark after going down.  I went in and got her, rocked her for a minute or 2 and she was right back to sleep.  I put her back in the crib and she slept maybe another 20 minutes.  She NEVER wakes up at my Mom's during the week and even has to be woke up at 3pm sometimes to cap the nap at 2 hours.  ANY advice is appreciated! :)

Offline HenaV

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Re: 24 month old nap gone nutty
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 20:26:28 pm »

There is a developmental leap around 2y which can play havoc with naps/BT. We didn't have the scared reaction but Ive seen lots of posts where LO suddenly are scared of the dark, need mummy to go to sleep etc when they have previously slept independently. I can't see why you LO only does this with you and not your mum too. You would have thought if she was scared it would be full stop where ever she was. IMO you routine clearly works given that 5 days out of 7 there are no issues.

Have there been any changes at home that maybe making her respond differently to you than your mum?

I think all you can do is stick with your routine and support her when she needs it as you are - I do think it will pass yk.


Offline Avamama75

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Re: 24 month old nap gone nutty
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 16:42:22 pm »
Thanks for your reply! :)  Nothing new at home, not even a tiny blip of something.  I think it could be that she is back into the routine of napping at my mom's during the day.  AND the fact that I have also brought her out of the crib these last few weekends when she's woke up after an hour of nap.  I went back to my old method of letting her fuss for a bit yesterday.  Instead of just getting her immediately.  I put her down at 12:30 too instead of waiting until 1:00.  She woke up at 1:30 and I was going to give her 5 minutes to fuss and see if she resettled.  She wasn't crying hysterically just complaining basically.  Before 5 minutes even passed she got quiet again.  She resettled and slept another 30 minutes so she had an 1 1/2 nap at least.  :)  Today is her birthday so we have her party this afternoon.  Nap will be cut short but tomorrow if she does the waking early after an hour of nap I'm going to again not go in and give her a few minutes to resettle herself.  :)

Thanks to you again for your words of advice !:)

Offline HenaV

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Re: 24 month old nap gone nutty
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2013, 18:00:35 pm »
Sounds like you're doing a greet job hon!

Happy birthday LO!! Xx