Yeah everything I read online says banana is good for reflux.
The GP,recommended we start ages ago but I've been waiting until I think she's ready. Eating around her for the last fortnight has been torture, bless her and on Sunday at MIL's she was practically diving at everyone's plates while DH held her at the table so I offered her mashed banana and she was diving forward for more and more and more. She's really enjoying them and I'm having to hold her back by only giving a tiny amount.
She was fine with the Pear yesterday which you'd think would be more acidic so I just don't know. I'm obviously not reducing milk feeds but she is hungry. I'm responding to all hunger signs and BFing her but then she's still seeming hungry. I will try her with some root veg tomorrow, carrot or sweet potato and see how we go. She's not screaming or anything just gurgling and a bit squirmy and has been noticeably spitting up a bit more but no food in it, just milk and curds.
Thanks xxx